
Built-ins (named by analogy with the native functionality provided by Python) are operations which can be specified within an invoke call in the algorithm layer but do not require an associated kernel to be implemented as they are provided directly by the infrastructure.

One use of Built-ins is for commonly used operations. In this case Built-ins simplify the use of the system as users do not need to write kernel routines. Built-ins also offer a potential performance advantage as they provide a specification of what is required without an implementation. Therefore the PSy layer is free to implement these operations in whatever way it chooses.


In general, PSyclone will need to know the types of the arguments being passed to any Built-ins. The parser obtains this information from an API-specific file that contains the metadata for all Built-in operations supported for that API.


When a particular Built-in is used, the name of this Built-in should not be used for anything else within the same scope. For example, it is not valid to make use of a Built-in called setval_c and for its parent subroutine to also be called setval_c. In this case PSyclone will raise an exception.


In the following example, the invoke call includes a call to two Built-ins (setval_c and X_divideby_Y) and a user-supplied kernel (matrix_vector_kernel_mm_type). The setval_c Built-in sets all values in the field Ax to 1.0 and the X_divideby_Y Built-in divides values in the field rhs by their equivalent (per degree of freedom) values in the field lumped_weight (see supported LFRic (Dynamo0.3) API Built-ins). Notice that, unlike the kernel call, no use association is required for the Built-ins since they are provided as part of the environment (c.f. Fortran intrinsics such as sin()).

module solver_mod
  use matrix_vector_mm_mod, only: matrix_vector_kernel_mm_type

  subroutine jacobi_solver_algorithm(lhs, rhs, mm, mesh, n_iter)

    integer(kind=i_def), intent(in)    :: n_iter
    type(field_type),    intent(inout) :: lhs
    type(field_type),    intent(in)    :: rhs
    type(operator_type), intent(in)    :: mm
    type(mesh_type),     intent(in)    :: mesh
    type(field_type)                   :: Ax, lumped_weight, res

    real(kind=r_def), parameter :: MU = 0.9_r_def

    ! Compute mass lump
    call invoke( name = "Jacobi_mass_lump",                           &
                 setval_c(Ax, 1.0_r_def),                             &
                 matrix_vector_kernel_mm_type(lumped_weight, Ax, mm), &
                 X_divideby_Y(lhs, rhs, lumped_weight) )

  end subroutine jacobi_solver_algorithm

end module solver_mod

Below is an example of a kernel that is consistent with the matrix_vector_kernel_mm_type kernel specified in the example above.

module matrix_vector_mm_mod
  type, public, extends(kernel_type) :: matrix_vector_kernel_mm_type
    type(arg_type) :: meta_args(3) = (/                                    &
         arg_type(GH_FIELD,    GH_REAL, GH_INC,  ANY_SPACE_1),             &
         arg_type(GH_FIELD,    GH_REAL, GH_READ, ANY_SPACE_1),             &
         arg_type(GH_OPERATOR, GH_REAL, GH_READ, ANY_SPACE_1, ANY_SPACE_1) &
    integer :: operates_on = CELL_COLUMN
    procedure, nopass :: matrix_vector_mm_code
  end type
  subroutine matrix_vector_mm_code(cell,        &
                                   nlayers,     &
                                   lhs, x,      &
                                   ncell_3d,    &
                                   mass_matrix, &
                                   ndf, undf, map)
  end subroutine matrix_vector_mm_code
end module matrix_vector_mm_mod

We now translate the algorithm layer code and generate the PSy layer code. The algorithm code is assumed to be in a file called solver_mod.x90 (see Example 3 in LFRic examples section). In this case we use the top level Python interface. See the API section for different ways to translate/generate code.

> psyclone -nodm -oalg solver_mod.f90 -opsy solver_mod_psy.f90 \
> solver_mod.x90

The resultant generated algorithm code is given below.

Ignoring the difference in case (which is due to the output format of the code parser) the differences between the original algorithm code and the translated algorithm code are:

  • The generic calls to invoke have been replaced by specific CALL invoke_<xx>. The kernel calls within the original invoke are removed, as are duplicate arguments and any literals, leaving the five fields and one operator as arguments;

  • A use statement is added for the each of the new CALL invoke_<xx> which will call the generated PSy layer code.

The existence of calls to Built-ins has made no difference at this point:

SUBROUTINE jacobi_solver_algorithm(lhs, rhs, mm, mesh, n_iter)
  USE solver_mod_psy, ONLY: invoke_jacobi_iterloop
  USE solver_mod_psy, ONLY: invoke_21
  USE solver_mod_psy, ONLY: invoke_jacobi_mass_lump


  INTEGER(KIND = i_def), INTENT(IN) :: n_iter
  TYPE(field_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: lhs
  TYPE(field_type), INTENT(IN) :: rhs
  TYPE(operator_type), INTENT(IN) :: mm
  TYPE(mesh_type), INTENT(IN) :: mesh
  TYPE(field_type) :: Ax, lumped_weight, res

  REAL(KIND = r_def), PARAMETER :: MU = 0.9_r_def

  INTEGER(KIND = i_def) :: iter
  INTEGER(KIND = i_def) :: rhs_fs
  TYPE(function_space_type) :: fs

  CALL invoke_jacobi_mass_lump(ax, lumped_weight, mm, lhs, rhs)

END SUBROUTINE jacobi_solver_algorithm

A vanilla (with no distributed and shared-memory optimisations) version of the generated PSy layer is given below. As expected, the kernel code is called from the PSy layer. However, in the case of the Built-ins, the code for these has been written directly into the PSy layer:

  • setval_c translates to the loop setting ax_proxy%data(df) = 1.0_r_def;

  • X_divideby_Y translates to the loop setting lhs_proxy%data(df) = rhs_proxy%data(df) / lumped_weight_proxy%data(df).

This example illustrates that Built-ins may be implemented in whatever way PSyclone sees fit with no change to the algorithm and kernel layers.

MODULE solver_mod_psy

  SUBROUTINE invoke_jacobi_mass_lump(ax, lumped_weight, mm, lhs, rhs)
    USE matrix_vector_mm_mod, ONLY: matrix_vector_mm_code
    TYPE(field_type), intent(in) :: ax, lumped_weight, lhs, rhs
    TYPE(operator_type), intent(in) :: mm
    ! Initialise field and/or operator proxies
    ax_proxy = ax%get_proxy()
    lumped_weight_proxy = lumped_weight%get_proxy()
    mm_proxy = mm%get_proxy()
    lhs_proxy = lhs%get_proxy()
    rhs_proxy = rhs%get_proxy()
    ! Initialise number of layers
    nlayers = ax_proxy%vspace%get_nlayers()
    ! Look-up dofmaps for each function space
    map_aspc1_lumped_weight => lumped_weight_proxy%vspace%get_whole_dofmap()
    ! Initialise number of DoFs for aspc1_ax
    ndf_aspc1_ax = ax_proxy%vspace%get_ndf()
    undf_aspc1_ax = ax_proxy%vspace%get_undf()
    ! Initialise number of DoFs for aspc1_lumped_weight
    ndf_aspc1_lumped_weight = lumped_weight_proxy%vspace%get_ndf()
    undf_aspc1_lumped_weight = lumped_weight_proxy%vspace%get_undf()
    ! Initialise number of DoFs for aspc1_lhs
    ndf_aspc1_lhs = lhs_proxy%vspace%get_ndf()
    undf_aspc1_lhs = lhs_proxy%vspace%get_undf()
    ! Call our kernels
    DO df=1,undf_aspc1_ax
      ax_proxy%data(df) = 1.0_r_def
    END DO
    DO cell=1,lumped_weight_proxy%vspace%get_ncell()
      CALL matrix_vector_mm_code(cell, nlayers,            &
                                 lumped_weight_proxy%data, &
                                 ax_proxy%data,            &
                                 mm_proxy%ncell_3d,        &
                                 mm_proxy%local_stencil,   &
                                 ndf_aspc1_lumped_weight,  &
                                 undf_aspc1_lumped_weight, &
    END DO
    DO df=1,undf_aspc1_lhs
      lhs_proxy%data(df) = rhs_proxy%data(df) / lumped_weight_proxy%data(df)
    END DO
  END SUBROUTINE invoke_jacobi_mass_lump
END MODULE solver_mod_psy

This example is distributed with PSyclone and can be found in <PSYCLONEHOME>/examples/lfric/eg3.

Supported Built-in operations

The list of supported Built-ins is API-specific and therefore is described under the documentation of each API.

Adding new Built-in operations

  1. Identify the PSyclone source file for the API to be extended. e.g. for the LFRic API it is src/psyclone/domain/lfric/lfric_builtins.py.

  2. Edit this source file to create the class for this new call. It must inherit from the API-specific parent class for Built-in operations (LFRicBuiltInKern for the LFRic API).

  3. Implement __str__ and gen_code() methods for this new class.

  4. Add the name of the new Built-in operation and its corresponding class to the BUILTIN_MAP dictionary in that source file.

  5. Add metadata describing this call to the appropriate file specified in the BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS_FILE in that source file. For the LFRic API this is src/psyclone/parse/lfric_builtins_mod.f90.

  6. Add relevant tests to the PSyclone test files for the API to be extended. e.g. for the LFRic API they are * src/psyclone/tests/domain/lfric/lfric_builtins_test.py, * src/psyclone/tests/domain/lfric/lfric_integer_builtins_test.py. The tests rely on single_invoke Fortran examples in the relevant src/psyclone/tests/test_files/ subdirectory.

  7. Add an appropriate Fortran single_invoke example for the new Built-in in the relevant src/psyclone/tests/test_files/ subdirectory. e.g. for the LFRic API it is src/psyclone/tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/. Names of examples follow the template <category.number>.<subcategory.number>_<built-in_name>.f90. e.g. for the LFRic API <category.number> is 15 and <built-in_name> follows the LFRic API Built-in naming scheme.

  8. Document the new Built-in in the documentation of the relevant API (e.g. doc/dynamo0p3.rst for LFRic (Dynamo0.3) API).

If the API being extended does not currently support any Built-ins then the BUILTIN_MAP and BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS_FILE module variables must be added to the source file for the API. A Fortran module file must be created in the PSyclone src/parse directory (with the name specified in BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS_FILE) containing metadata describing the Built-in operations. Finally, parse.get_builtin_defs() must be extended to import BUILTIN_MAP and BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS_FILE for this API.