Introduction to PSyKAl

PSyKAl is a kernel-based software architecture proposed in the GungHo project to design Fortran-embedded domain-specific languages that provide a clear separations of concerns between the science code and the optimisation/parallelisation details of an application. The model distinguishes between three layers: the Algorithm layer, the Kernel layer and the Parallelisation System (PSy) layer; which together give the model its name.

The Algorithm layer is responsible for providing a high-level description of the algorithm that the scientist wants to run. This layer operates on full fields and includes calls to kernels and built-ins.

The Kernel layer contains the actual implementation of the kernels as functors. Each functor implements a method that operates on an individual section of the fields. Depending on the DSL, these can be a single element, a vertical column, or a set of vertical columns. The kernels also specify some metadata that allow the data dependencies between kernels to be determined. Built-ins are similar to kernels but are provided by the PSyclone infrastructure itself.

The PSy layer acts as a bridge between the algorithm and kernel layers. It contains the code that is responsible for performing concurrent execution of kernels, including the way in which the iteration space is traversed, while respecting kernel dependencies. This layer can be tuned for specific platforms such as multi-node, multi-core and GPGPUs architectures without affecting the user-supplied Algorithm and Kernel layers.

Rather than requiring that the PSy layer be written manually, PSyclone uses the provided Algorithm and Kernel implementations to generate an inital PSyIR for the PSy-layer, optionally with distributed-memory parallelism. This then can be programatically optimised by applying PSyclone transformations (e.g. kernel fusing, colouring, inlining, …) to better fit the target architecture.

The rest of this section describes how to use the psyclone command to process PSyKAl DSLs and how to implement each layer, providing examples for each of them.


To use PSyclone to process a PSyKAl algorithm file, the -api API_NAME parameter must be provided. In addition, distributed memory can be switched on or off by using the -dm/--dist_mem or -nodm/--no_dist_mem flags. For PSyKAl DSLs, the optional transformation script provided by the -s SCRIPT parameter will be applied to the PSyIR of the PSy-layer (but the scripts can also contain instructions to transform the code of the kernels used within it).

For example, the following command will process an LFRic PSyKAl algorithm file, generate a PSy-layer containing distributed-memory parallelism and then transform it using the script:

psyclone -api lfric -dm -s algorithm.f90 \
   -oalg algorithm_output.f90 -opsy psy_layer_output.f90

To date, there are two PSyKAl DSL implementations: the LFRic PSyKAl API, a mixed finite-element DSL used to implement the next-generation UK Met Office atmospheric model dynamical core; and the GOcean PSyKAl API, a finite difference ocean model benchmark. For more details on these see the corresponding sections of this User Guide.

Algorithm layer

As mentioned in the Introduction, the Algorithm layer provides a high-level description of the algorithm that the scientist would like to run, in terms of invocations to Kernel and Built-in operations. It operates on full fields and therefore it is not allowed to call the individual kernel executors nor include any parallelisation calls or directives. Instead, the algorithm layer uses the invoke subroutine, which takes as arguments one or more kernel functor constructors (as a Fortran type constructor) and, optionally, a name argument. The kernel functors, in turn, take as argument the full fields they operate on and any other quantities specified in their metadata.

For example:

call invoke(kernel1(arg1,arg2), kernel2(arg1, 3), name="Example_Invoke")

A complete application can consist of many algorithm files, each of them containing as many invoke() calls as required. PSyclone is applied to each individual algorithm layer file and must therefore be run multiple times if multiple algorithm files exist in a project.

The algorithm developer is also able to reference more than one Kernel/Built-in within an invoke call (as indicated in the previous example). In fact this feature is encouraged for performance reasons. As a general guideline the developer should aim to use as few invokes as possible, each with as many Kernel functors in them as is possible. The reason for this is that it allows for greater freedom for optimisations in the PSy-layer as these are limited to the contents of individual invokes - PSyclone currently does not attempt to optimise the PSy layer over multiple invoke calls.

As well as generating the PSy-layer code, PSyclone modifies the Algorithm layer code, replacing invoke calls with calls to the generated PSy-layer subroutine(s) (plus the associated use statements) so that the algorithm code is compilable and linkable. For example, the invoke above is translated into something like the following:

use psy, only : invoke_example_invoke
call invoke_example_invoke(arg1, arg2, 3)

The name argument in the invoke call is optional. If supplied it must be a string literal. Labels are not case-sensitive and must be valid Fortran names (e.g. name="compute(1)" is invalid). The label is used to name the corresponding PSy-layer routine generated by PSyclone in order to make debugging and profiling outputs more readable. So, for the above example, the generated PSy-layer subroutine will be named “invoke_example_invoke”, otherwise a numeric index is given (e.g. “invoke_0”). Each invoke label must be unique within an Algorithm source file.


There are limitations in the Fortran expressions that can be used inside the invoke call kernel arguments. The current list of known restrictions on the form of kernel arguments within an invoke is:

  • No arithmetic expressions (e.g. kernel_type(a+b) or kernel_type(-a))

  • No named (optional) arguments (e.g. kernel_type(fn(my_arg=a)))

If you encounter any other limitations (or have a burning desire to use one of the above forms) then please contact the PSyclone developers.

Kernel layer

In the PSyKAl model, the Kernel code operates on an individual element of a field (such as a column of cells). The reason for doing this is that it gives the PSy layer flexibility in choosing the iteration order and exploiting the spatial domain parallelisation. The Kernel layer is not allowed to include any calls or directives related to parallelisation and works on raw Fortran arrays (to allow the compiler to optimise the code). Since a Kernel is called over the spatial domain (by the PSy layer) it must take at least one field or operator as an argument.

Kernels are implemented as Fortran Functors. Functors are objects that can be treated as if they are functions. As such they have two main interfaces for calling and providing arguments to them: the object constructor (used by the Algorithm layer) and a method that executes the code of the functor (used by the PSy-layer).

PSyKal applications accept one or more modules providing kernels, each of which can contain one or more kernel functors. Each kernel functor provides a set of meta-data attributes and a method with its implementation.

In the example below the module w3_solver_kernel_mod contains one kernel named w3_solver_kernel_type and its individual element execution method in subroutine w3_solver_code.

The metadata is API-specific and describes the kernel iteration space and dependencies, so that PSyclone can generate correct PSy-layer code (including any necessary halo-exchanges if DM is enabled). The metadata is provided by the kernel developer, who must guarantee its correctness. The example below shows meta-data for the LFRic API:

module w3_solver_kernel_mod


  type, public, extends(kernel_type) :: w3_solver_kernel_type
    type(arg_type) :: meta_args(4) = (/                 &
         arg_type(GH_FIELD,   GH_REAL, GH_WRITE, W3),   &
         arg_type(GH_FIELD,   GH_REAL, GH_READ,  W3),   &
         arg_type(GH_FIELD*3, GH_REAL, GH_READ,  Wchi), &
         arg_type(GH_SCALAR,  GH_REAL, GH_READ)         &
    type(func_type) :: meta_funcs(2) = (/               &
         func_type(W3,   GH_BASIS),                     &
         func_type(Wchi, GH_DIFF_BASIS)                 &
    integer :: gh_shape = GH_QUADRATURE_XYoZ
    integer :: operates_on = CELL_COLUMN
    procedure, nopass :: solver_w3_code
  end type


  subroutine solver_w3_code(nlayers,                                         &
                            x, rhs,                                          &
                            chi_1, chi_2, chi_3, ascalar,                    &
                            ndf_w3, undf_w3, map_w3, w3_basis,               &
                            ndf_wchi, undf_wchi, map_wchi, wchi_diff_basis,  &
                            nqp_h, nqp_v, wqp_h, wqp_v)
  end subroutine solver_w3_code

end module w3_solver_kernel_mod

Note that the executor method can also be declared as a module procedure interface to provide alternative implementations (e.g. different precisions) of the kernel code. These are selected as appropriate by the Fortran compiler, depending on the precision of the fields being passed to them:

type, extends(kernel_type) :: kernel1
  type(...) :: meta_args(...) = (/ ... /)
  integer :: operates_on = ...
end type kernel1

interface ...
  module procedure ...
end interface


Built-ins are operations which can be specified within an invoke call in the algorithm layer but do not require an associated kernel implementation because they are provided by the infrastructure.

These are useful for commonly-used operations, as they reduce the amount of code that the PSyKAl project has to maintain. In addition, they offer potential performance advantages as their implementation can completely change for different architectures and the PSy layer is free to implement these operations in whatever way it chooses.

The list of supported Built-ins is API-specific and therefore these are described under the documentation of each API. In general, PSyclone will need to know the types of the arguments being passed to any Built-ins. Each API provides a Fortran file that contains the metadata for all Built-in operations supported for that API.


When a particular Built-in is used, the name of this Built-in should not be used for anything else within the same scope. For example, it is not valid to make use of a Built-in called setval_c and for its parent subroutine to also be called setval_c. In this case PSyclone will raise an exception.


In the following algorithm-layer example from the LFRic API, the invoke call includes a call to two Built-ins (setval_c and X_divideby_Y) and a user-supplied kernel that operates on cell columns (matrix_vector_kernel_mm_type). The setval_c Built-in sets all values in the field Ax to 1.0 and the X_divideby_Y Built-in divides values in the field rhs by their equivalent (per degree of freedom) values in the field lumped_weight (see supported LFRic API Built-ins). Notice that, unlike the kernel call, no use association is required for the Built-ins since they are provided as part of the environment.

module solver_mod
  use matrix_vector_mm_kernel_mod, only: matrix_vector_kernel_mm_type

  subroutine jacobi_solver_algorithm(lhs, rhs, mm, mesh, n_iter)

    integer(kind=i_def), intent(in)    :: n_iter
    type(field_type),    intent(inout) :: lhs
    type(field_type),    intent(in)    :: rhs
    type(operator_type), intent(in)    :: mm
    type(mesh_type),     intent(in)    :: mesh
    type(field_type)                   :: Ax, lumped_weight


    ! Compute mass lump
    call invoke( name = "Jacobi_mass_lump",                           &
                 setval_c(Ax, 1.0_r_def),                             &
                 matrix_vector_kernel_mm_type(lumped_weight, Ax, mm), &
                 X_divideby_Y(lhs, rhs, lumped_weight) )

  end subroutine jacobi_solver_algorithm

end module solver_mod

PSy layer

In the PSyKAl model, the PSy layer is the bridge between the Algorithm full-field operations and the Kernel/Built-Ins individual element operations. As such, it is responsible for:

  1. calling any Kernel and expanding any Buit-In so that they iterate over their specified interation space;

  2. map the Kernel and Built-In arguments supplied by an Algorithm invoke call to the arguments required by a Built-in or Kernel method;

  3. include any required distributed-memory operations such as halo swaps and reductions to guarantee the correctness of the code;

  4. providing an entry point for the optimisation expert to provide additional optimisations for the target architecture.

The PSy layer can be written manually but this is error prone and potentially complex to optimise. Therefore, the PSyclone code-generation system automatically generates an initial version of the PSy layer by parsing the associated Algorithm file and each of the kernels used in it. This initial version of the PSy-layer can be further tuned with the PSyclone code-transformation capabilities by providing a transformation script. Each API comes with a set of specialised transformations designed for that API.

Also, in addition to all the functionality available for PSyIR Nodes, the PSy-layer nodes have a dag() method (standing for directed acyclic graph), which outputs the PSyIR nodes and their data dependencies. By default a file in dot format is output with the name dag and a file in svg format is output with the name dag.svg. The file name can be changed using the file_name optional argument and the output file format can be changed using the file_format optional argument. The file_format value is simply passed on to graphviz so the graphviz documentation should be consulted for valid formats if svg is not required.

>>> schedule.dag(file_name="lovely", file_format="png")


The dag method can be called from any node and will output the dag for that node and all of its children.

If we were to look at the LFRic eg6 example we would see the following image:


In the image, all PSyIR nodes with children are split into a start vertex and an end vertex (for example the InvokeSchedule node has both schedule_start and schedule_end vertices). Blue arrows indicate that there is a parent to child relationship (from a start node) or a child to parent relationship (to an end node). Green arrows indicate that a Node depends on another Node later in the schedule (which we call a forward dependence). Therefore the OMP parallel loop must complete before the globalsum is performed. Red arrows indicate that a Node depends on another Node that is earlier in the schedule (which we call a backward dependence). However the direction of the red arrows are reversed to improve the flow of the dag layout. In this example the forward and backward dependence is the same, however this is not always the case. The two built-ins do not depend on each other, so they have no associated green or red arrows.

The dependence graph output gives an indication of whether nodes can be moved within the InvokeSchedule. In this case it is valid to run the built-ins in either order. The underlying dependence analysis used to create this graph is used to determine whether a transformation of a Schedule is valid from the perspective of data dependencies.