PSyclone Kernel Tools

In addition to the psyclone command, the PSyclone package also provides tools related to generating code purely from kernel metadata. Currently there are two such tools:

The kernel-stub generator takes a file containing kernel metadata as input and outputs the (Fortran) kernel subroutine arguments and declarations. The word “stub” is used to indicate that it is only the subroutine arguments and their declarations that are generated; the subroutine has no content.

The algorithm generator also takes a file containing a kernel implementation but this time generates an appropriate algorithm layer subroutine. This algorithm layer plus the associated kernel metadata may then be processed with PSyclone in the usual way to generate code which executes the supplied kernel.

This functionality is provided to the user via the psyclone-kern command, described in more detail below.

The psyclone-kern Command

Before using the psyclone-kern tool, PSyclone must be installed. If you have not already done so, please follow the instructions for setting up PSyclone in Section Getting Going.

PSyclone will be installed in a particular location on your machine, which will be referred to as the <PSYCLONEINSTALL> directory. The psyclone-kern script comes with the PSyclone installation. A quick check > which psyclone-kern should return the location of the <PSYCLONEINSTALL>/bin directory.

The psyclone-kern command has the following arguments:

> psyclone-kern -h
usage: psyclone-kern [-h] [-gen {alg,stub}] [-o OUT_FILE] [-api API]
                     [-I INCLUDE] [-l {off,all,output}]
                     [--config CONFIG] [-v]

Run the PSyclone kernel generator on a particular file

positional arguments:
  filename              file containing Kernel metadata

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -gen {alg,stub)       what to generate for the supplied kernel
                        (alg=algorithm layer, stub=kernel-stub subroutine).
                        Defaults to stub.
  -o OUT_FILE           filename for created code.
  -api API              choose a particular API from ['lfric',
  -I INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
                        path to Fortran INCLUDE or module files
  -l {off,all,output}, --limit {off,all,output}
                        limit the Fortran line length to 132
                        characters (default 'off'). Use 'all' to
                        apply limit to both input and output
                        Fortran. Use 'output' to apply line-length
                        limit to output Fortran only.
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        config file with PSyclone specific options.
  -v, --version         display version information (\ |release|\ )

The -o option allows the user to specify that the output should be written to a particular file. If this is not specified then the Python print statement is used to write to stdout. Typically this results in the output being printed to the terminal.

The -l, or --limit option utilises the PSyclone support for wrapping of lines within the 132 character limit in the generated Fortran code (please see the Line Length chapter for more details).

Kernel-stub Generator

Quick Start

  1. Use an existing Kernel file or create a Kernel file containing a Kernel module with the required metadata and an empty Kernel subroutine with no arguments.

  2. Run the following command

    > psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub <PATH>/my_file.f90
  3. To have the generated code written to file rather than stdout use the -o flag

    > psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub -o my_stub_file.f90 ./my_kernel_mod.f90

(Since stub generation is the default, the -gen stub may be omitted if desired.)


PSyclone provides a kernel stub generator for the LFRic API. The kernel stub generator takes a kernel file as input and outputs the kernel subroutine arguments and declarations. The word “stub” is used to indicate that it is only the subroutine arguments and their declarations that are generated; the subroutine has no content.

The primary reason the stub generator is useful is that it generates the correct Kernel subroutine arguments and declarations for the LFRic API as specified by the Kernel metadata. As the number of arguments to Kernel subroutines can become large and the arguments have to follow a particular order, it can become burdensome, and potentially error prone, for the user to have to work out the appropriate argument list if written by hand.

The stub generator can be used when creating a new Kernel. A Kernel can first be written to specify the required metadata and then the generator can be used to create the appropriate (empty) Kernel subroutine. The user can then fill in the content of the subroutine.

The stub generator can also be used to check whether the arguments for an existing Kernel are correct i.e. whether the Kernel subroutine and Kernel metadata are consistent. One example would be where a Kernel is updated resulting in a change to the metadata and subroutine arguments.

The LFRic API requires Kernels to conform to a set of rules which determine the required arguments and types for a particular Kernel. These rules are required as the generated PSy layer needs to know exactly how to call a Kernel. These rules are outlined in Section Rules.

Therefore PSyclone has been coded with the LFRic API rules which are then applied when reading the Kernel metadata to produce the required Kernel call and its arguments in the generated PSy layer. These same rules are used by the Kernel stub generator to produce Kernel subroutine stubs, thereby guaranteeing that Kernel calls from the PSy layer and the associated Kernel subroutines are consistent.


Any LFRic kernel can be used as input to the stub generator. Example Kernels can be found in the examples/lfric repository or, for more simple cases, in the tests/test_files/dynamo0p3 directory. These directories are located in the <PSYCLONEHOME>/src/psyclone directory where <PSYCLONEHOME> refers to the location where you download or clone PSyclone (Getting Going).

In the tests/test_files/dynamo0p3 directory the majority of examples start with testkern. Amongst the exceptions are: testkern_simple_mod.f90, ru_kernel_mod.f90 and matrix_vector_kernel_mod.F90. The following test kernels can be used to generate kernel stub code (running stub generation from the <PSYCLONEHOME>/src/psyclone directory):



A simple, single field example of a kernel that can be used as input for the stub generator is found in tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/testkern_simple_mod.f90 and is shown below:

module simple_mod

  use argument_mod
  use fs_continuity_mod
  use kernel_mod
  use constants_mod

  implicit none

  type, extends(kernel_type) :: simple_type
    type(arg_type), dimension(1) :: meta_args = &
         (/ arg_type(gh_field, gh_real, gh_inc, w1) /)
    integer :: operates_on = cell_column
    procedure, nopass :: code => simple_code
  end type simple_type


  subroutine simple_code()
  end subroutine

end module simple_mod


The module name simple_mod and the type name simple_type share the same root simple and have the extensions _mod and _type respectively. This is a convention in LFRic API and is required by the kernel stub generator as it needs to determine the name of the type containing the metadata and infers this by reading the module name. If this rule is not followed the kernel stub generator will return with an error message (see Section Errors).


Whilst strictly the kernel stub generator only requires the Kernel metadata to generate the appropriate stub code, the parser that the generator relies on currently requires a dummy kernel subroutine to exist.

If we run the kernel stub generator on the testkern_simple_mod.f90 example:

> psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/testkern_simple_mod.f90

we get the following kernel stub output:

MODULE simple_mod
  SUBROUTINE simple_code(nlayers, field_1_w1, ndf_w1, undf_w1, map_w1)
    USE constants_mod, ONLY: r_def, i_def
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: nlayers
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: ndf_w1
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in), dimension(ndf_w1) :: map_w1
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: undf_w1
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(inout), dimension(undf_w1) :: field_1_w1
  END SUBROUTINE simple_code
END MODULE simple_mod

The subroutine content can then be copied into the required module, used as the basis for a new module, or checked with an existing subroutine for correctness.


The output does not currently conform to Met Office coding standards so must be modified accordingly.


The code will not compile without a) providing the constants_mod, argument_mod and kernel_mod modules in the compiler include path and b) adding in code that writes to any arguments declared as intent out or inout. For a quick check, the USE declaration and KIND declarations can be removed and the field_1_w1 array can be initialised with some value in the subroutine. At this point the Kernel should compile successfully.


Whilst there is only one field declared in the metadata there are 5 arguments to the Kernel. The first argument nlayers specifies the number of layers in a column for a field. The second argument is the array associated with the field. The field array is dimensioned as the number of unique degrees of freedom (hereafter undf) which is also passed into the kernel (the fourth argument). The naming convention is to call each field a field, followed by its position in the (algorithm) argument list (which is reflected in the metadata ordering). The third argument is the number of degrees of freedom for the particular column and is used to dimension the final argument which is the degrees of freedom map (dofmap) which indicates the location of the required values in the field array. The naming convention for the dofmap, undf and ndf is to append the name with the space that it is associated with.

We now take a look at a more complicated example. The metadata in this example is the same as an actual LFRic kernel, however the subroutine content and various comments have been removed. The metadata specifies that there are four fields passed by the algorithm layer, the fourth of which is a vector field of size three. All three of the spaces require a basis function and the W0 and W2 function spaces additionally require a differential basis function. The content of the Kernel, excluding the subroutine body, is given below:

module ru_kernel_mod

use argument_mod
use fs_continuity_mod
use kernel_mod
use constants_mod

implicit none


type, public, extends(kernel_type) :: ru_kernel_type
  type(arg_type) :: meta_args(6) = (/                                  &
       arg_type(GH_FIELD,   GH_REAL,    GH_INC,  W2),                  &
       arg_type(GH_FIELD,   GH_REAL,    GH_READ, W3),                  &
       arg_type(GH_SCALAR,  GH_INTEGER, GH_READ),                      &
       arg_type(GH_SCALAR,  GH_REAL,    GH_READ),                      &
       arg_type(GH_FIELD,   GH_REAL,    GH_READ, W0),                  &
       arg_type(GH_FIELD*3, GH_REAL,    GH_READ, W0)                   &
  type(func_type) :: meta_funcs(3) = (/                                &
       func_type(W2, GH_BASIS, GH_DIFF_BASIS),                         &
       func_type(W3, GH_BASIS),                                        &
       func_type(W0, GH_BASIS, GH_DIFF_BASIS)                          &
  integer :: operates_on = CELL_COLUMN
  integer :: gh_shape = gh_quadrature_XYoZ
  procedure, nopass :: ru_code
end type

public ru_code


  subroutine ru_code()
  end subroutine ru_code

end module ru_kernel_mod

If we run the kernel stub generator on this example:

> psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/ru_kernel_mod.f90

we obtain the following output:

MODULE ru_mod
  SUBROUTINE ru_code(nlayers, field_1_w2, field_2_w3, iscalar_3, rscalar_4, &
                     field_5_w0, field_6_w0_v1, field_6_w0_v2, field_6_w0_v3, &
                     ndf_w2, undf_w2, map_w2, basis_w2_qr_xyoz, &
                     diff_basis_w2_qr_xyoz, ndf_w3, undf_w3, map_w3, &
                     basis_w3_qr_xyoz, ndf_w0, undf_w0, map_w0, &
                     basis_w0_qr_xyoz, diff_basis_w0_qr_xyoz, &
                     np_xy_qr_xyoz, np_z_qr_xyoz, weights_xy_qr_xyoz, weights_z_qr_xyoz)
    USE constants_mod, ONLY: r_def, i_def
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: nlayers
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: ndf_w0
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in), dimension(ndf_w0) :: map_w0
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: ndf_w2
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in), dimension(ndf_w2) :: map_w2
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: ndf_w3
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in), dimension(ndf_w3) :: map_w3
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: undf_w2, undf_w3, undf_w0
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in) :: rscalar_4
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: iscalar_3
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(inout), dimension(undf_w2) :: field_1_w2
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(undf_w3) :: field_2_w3
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(undf_w0) :: field_5_w0
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(undf_w0) :: field_6_w0_v1
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(undf_w0) :: field_6_w0_v2
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(undf_w0) :: field_6_w0_v3
    INTEGER(KIND=i_def), intent(in) :: np_xy_qr_xyoz, np_z_qr_xyoz
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(3,ndf_w2,np_xy_qr_xyoz,np_z_qr_xyoz) :: basis_w2_qr_xyoz
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(1,ndf_w2,np_xy_qr_xyoz,np_z_qr_xyoz) :: diff_basis_w2_qr_xyoz
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(1,ndf_w3,np_xy_qr_xyoz,np_z_qr_xyoz) :: basis_w3_qr_xyoz
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(1,ndf_w0,np_xy_qr_xyoz,np_z_qr_xyoz) :: basis_w0_qr_xyoz
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(3,ndf_w0,np_xy_qr_xyoz,np_z_qr_xyoz) :: diff_basis_w0_qr_xyoz
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(np_xy_qr_xyoz) :: weights_xy_qr_xyoz
    REAL(KIND=r_def), intent(in), dimension(np_z_qr_xyoz) :: weights_z_qr_xyoz

The above example demonstrates that the argument list can get quite complex. Rather than going through an explanation of each argument you are referred to Section Rules for more details on the rules for argument types and argument ordering. Regarding naming conventions for arguments you can see that the arrays associated with the fields are labelled as 1-6 depending on their position in the metadata. For a vector field, each vector results in a different array. These are distinguished by appending _vx where x is the number of the vector.

The introduction of stencil operations on field arguments further complicates the argument list of a kernel. An example of the use of the stub generator for a kernel that performs stencil operations is provided in examples/lfric/eg5:

> psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub ../../examples/lfric/eg5/conservative_flux_kernel_mod.F90


The stub generator has been written to provide useful errors if mistakes are found. If you run the generator and it does not produce a useful error - and in particular if it produces a stack trace - please contact the PSyclone developers.

The following tests do not produce stub kernel code either because they are invalid or because they contain functionality that is not supported in the stub generator:


testkern_invalid_fortran_mod.f90, testkern_no_datatype_mod.f90, testkern_short_name_mod.f90 and testkern_wrong_file_name.F90 are designed to be invalid for PSyclone stub generation testing purposes and should produce appropriate errors. Two examples are below:

> psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/testkern_invalid_fortran_mod.f90
Error: 'Parse Error: Code appears to be invalid Fortran'

> psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/testkern_no_datatype_mod.f90
Error: 'Parse Error: Kernel type testkern_type does not exist'

testkern_dofs_mod.f90 is an example with an unsupported feature, as the operates_on metadata specifies dof. Currently only kernels with operates_on=CELL_COLUMN are supported by the stub generator.

Generic function space metadata any_space and any_discontinuous_space (see Section Supported Function Spaces for function-space identifiers) are currently only supported for LFRic fields in the stub generator. Basis and differential basis functions on these generic function spaces, required for quadrature and evaluators, are not supported. Hence, testkern_any_space_1_mod.f90, testkern_any_space_4_mod.f90 and testkern_any_discontinuous_space_op_2_mod.f90 should fail with appropriate warnings because of that. For example:

> psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/testkern_any_space_1_mod.f90
Error: "Generation Error: Unsupported space for basis function, expecting
one of ['w3', 'wtheta', 'w2v', 'w2vtrace', 'w2broken', 'w0', 'w1', 'w2',
'w2trace', 'w2h', 'w2htrace', 'any_w2', 'wchi'] but found 'any_space_1'"

As noted above, if the LFRic API naming convention for module and type names is not followed, the stub generator will return with an error message. For example:

> psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen stub tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/testkern_wrong_file_name.F90
Error: "Parse Error: Error, module name 'testkern_wrong_file_name' does not have
'_mod' as an extension. This convention is assumed."

Algorithm Generator

Quick Start

  1. Use an existing Kernel file containing a full LFRic kernel implementation.

  2. Run the following command

    > psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen alg <PATH>/my_kern_file_mod.f90
  3. The generated Algorithm code will be output to stdout by default. To have it written to a file use the -o flag.


The ability to generate a valid LFRic Algorithm layer that calls a given kernel is useful for a number of reasons:

  1. Starting point for creating a test for a kernel;

  2. Benchmarking an individual kernel;

  3. Constructing a test harness for the adjoint of a kernel produced by PSyAD.

Currently algorithm generation is only supported for the LFRic API but it could be extended to the GOcean API if desired.

Mapping of Function Spaces

Every field or operator argument to an LFRic kernel must have its function space(s) specified in the metadata of the kernel. This information is used by the algorithm generation to ensure that each kernel argument is correctly constructed. However, the metadata permits the use of certain ‘generic’ function-space specifiers (see Supported Function Spaces). If an argument is specified as being on one of these spaces then the algorithm generator chooses an appropriate, specific function space for that argument. e.g. an argument that is specified as being on ANY_SPACE_<n> will be constructed on W0 while one on ANY_DISCONTINUOUS_SPACE_<n> will be constructed on W3.


If we take the same kernel used in the stub-generation example then running

> psyclone-kern -api lfric -gen alg tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/testkern_simple_mod.f90

gives the following algorithm layer code:

module test_alg_mod
  implicit none

  subroutine test_alg(mesh, chi, panel_id)
    use field_mod, only : field_type
    use function_space_mod, only : function_space_type
    use fs_continuity_mod, only : w1
    use function_space_collection_mod, only : function_space_collection
    use mesh_mod, only : mesh_type
    use simple_mod, only : simple_type
    use constants_mod, only : i_def, r_def
    integer(kind=i_def), parameter :: element_order = 1_i_def
    type(mesh_type), pointer, intent(in) :: mesh
    type(field_type), dimension(3), intent(in), optional :: chi
    type(field_type), intent(in), optional :: panel_id
    TYPE(function_space_type), POINTER :: vector_space_w1_ptr
    type(field_type) :: field_1

    vector_space_w1_ptr => function_space_collection % get_fs(mesh, element_order, w1)
    call field_1 % initialise(vector_space=vector_space_w1_ptr, name='field_1')
    call invoke(setval_c(field_1, 1.0_r_def), simple_type(field_1))

  end subroutine test_alg

end module test_alg_mod

Note that the generated code implements an Algorithm subroutine that is intended to be called from within an LFRic application that has already setup data structures for the mesh (and, optionally, the chi coordinate field and panel ID mapping). Since the metadata for the simple_type kernel specifies that the field argument is on W1, the generated code must ensure that the appropriate function space is set up and used to initialise the field. Once that’s done, the interesting part is the invoke call:

call invoke(setval_c(field_1, 1.0_r_def), &

(where a line-break has been added for clarity). In this example the invoke is for two kernels: the first is a Built-in that gives field_1 the value 1.0 everywhere and the second is the ‘simple’ kernel itself which is passed the now initialised field_1.

This Algorithm code can now be processed by PSyclone in the normal way in order to generate a transformed version plus an associated PSy-layer routine. See Example 20: Algorithm Generation for a full example of doing this.


  • Algorithm generation is only currently supported for the LFRic API.

  • All fields are currently set to unity. Obviously the generated algorithm code may be edited to change this.

  • The generator does not currently recognise ‘special’ fields that hold geometry information (such as Chi or the face IDs) and these too will all be initialised to unity. This is the subject of Issue #1708 (although note that the generated code already permits the caller to supply Chi and/or face IDs).

  • Kernels with operator arguments are not yet supported.

  • Kernels with stencil accesses are not yet supported.