Kernel layer

In the PSyKAl separation of concerns, Kernel code (code which is created to run within the Kernel layer), operates on a subset of a field (such as a column of cells). The reason for doing this is that it gives the PSy layer the responsibility of calling the Kernel over the spatial domain which is where parallelism is typically exploited in finite element and finite difference codes. The PSy layer is therefore able to call the kernel layer in a flexible way (blocked and/or in parallel for example). Kernel code in the kernel layer is not allowed to include any parallelisation calls or directives and works on raw Fortran arrays (to allow the compiler to optimise the code).

Since a Kernel is called over the spatial domain (by the PSy layer) it must take at least one field or operator as an argument.


Kernels in the kernel layer are implemented as subroutines within Fortran modules. One or more kernel modules are allowed, each of which can contain one or more kernel subroutines. In the example below there is one module integrate_one_module which contains one kernel subroutine integrate_one_code. The kernel subroutines contain the code that operates over a subset of the field (such as a column).

Metadata describing the kernel subroutines is required by the PSyclone system to generate appropriate PSy layer code. The metadata is written by the kernel developer and is kept with the kernel code in the same module using a sub-type of the kernel_type type. In the example below the w3_solver_kernel_type type specifies the appropriate metadata information describing the kernel code for the dynamo0.3 api:

module w3_solver_kernel_mod

  use kernel_mod,              only : kernel_type
  use constants_mod,           only : r_def, i_def
  use fs_continuity_mod,       only : W3, Wchi
  use argument_mod,            only : arg_type, func_type,        &
                                      GH_FIELD, GH_SCALAR,        &
                                      GH_REAL, GH_READ, GH_WRITE, &
                                      GH_BASIS, GH_DIFF_BASIS,    &
                                      GH_QUADRATURE_XYoZ, CELLS

  implicit none


  type, public, extends(kernel_type) :: w3_solver_kernel_type
    type(arg_type) :: meta_args(4) = (/                 &
         arg_type(GH_FIELD,   GH_REAL, GH_WRITE, W3),   &
         arg_type(GH_FIELD,   GH_REAL, GH_READ,  W3),   &
         arg_type(GH_FIELD*3, GH_REAL, GH_READ,  Wchi), &
         arg_type(GH_SCALAR,  GH_REAL, GH_READ)         &
    type(func_type) :: meta_funcs(2) = (/               &
         func_type(W3,   GH_BASIS),                     &
         func_type(Wchi, GH_DIFF_BASIS)                 &
    integer :: gh_shape = GH_QUADRATURE_XYoZ
    integer :: operates_on = CELL_COLUMN
    procedure, nopass :: solver_w3_code
  end type


  subroutine solver_w3_code(nlayers,                                 &
                            x, rhs,                                  &
                            chi_1, chi_2, chi_3, ascalar,            &
                            ndf_w3, undf_w3, map_w3, w3_basis,       &
                            ndf_w0, undf_w0, map_w0, w0_diff_basis,  &
                            nqp_h, nqp_v, wqp_h, wqp_v)
  end subroutine solver_w3_code

end module w3_solver_kernel_mod


Kernel metadata is not required if the PSy layer is going to be written manually - its sole purpose is to let PSyclone know how to generate the PSy layer. The content of Kernel metadata differs depending on the particular API and this information can be found in the API-specific sections of this document.

In all APIs the kernel metadata is implemented as an extension of the kernel_type type. The reason for using a type to specify metadata is that it allows the metadata to be kept with the code and for it to be compilable. In addition, currently all APIs will contain information about the arguments in an array called meta_args, a specification of what data the kernel code expects in a variable called operates_on and a reference to the kernel code itself as a type-bound procedure:

type, extends(kernel_type) :: integrate_one_kernel
  type(...) :: meta_args(...) = (/ ... /)
  integer :: operates_on = ...
  procedure ...
end type integrate_one_kernel

If no type-bound procedure is declared then a named interface with module procedures must be included in the module:

type, extends(kernel_type) :: integrate_one_kernel
  type(...) :: meta_args(...) = (/ ... /)
  integer :: operates_on = ...
end type integrate_one_kernel

interface ...
  module procedure ...
end interface

These module procedures provide alternative implementations (using different precisions) of the kernel code. They are selected as appropriate by the Fortran compiler, depending on the precision of the fields being passed to them.