Source code for psyclone.psyir.symbols.symbol_table

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BSD 3-Clause License
# Copyright (c) 2017-2024, Science and Technology Facilities Council.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors R. W. Ford, A. R. Porter, S. Siso and N. Nobre, STFC Daresbury Lab
#         I. Kavcic, Met Office
#         J. Henrichs, Bureau of Meteorology
# Modified A. B. G. Chalk, STFC Daresbury Lab
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

''' This module contains the SymbolTable implementation. '''

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

from collections import OrderedDict
import inspect
import copy
from psyclone.configuration import Config
from psyclone.errors import InternalError
from psyclone.psyir.symbols import (
    Symbol, DataSymbol, ImportInterface, ContainerSymbol, DataTypeSymbol,
    RoutineSymbol, SymbolError, UnresolvedInterface)
from psyclone.psyir.symbols.typed_symbol import TypedSymbol

[docs]class SymbolTable(): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods '''Encapsulates the symbol table and provides methods to add new symbols and look up existing symbols. Nested scopes are supported and, by default, the add and lookup methods take any ancestor symbol tables into consideration (ones attached to nodes that are ancestors of the node that this symbol table is attached to). If the default visibility is not specified then it defaults to Symbol.Visbility.PUBLIC. :param node: reference to the Schedule or Container to which this \ symbol table belongs. :type node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Schedule`, \ :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Container` or NoneType :param default_visibility: optional default visibility value for this \ symbol table, if not provided it defaults to PUBLIC visibility. :type default_visibillity: \ :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol.Visibility` :raises TypeError: if node argument is not a Schedule or a Container. ''' def __init__(self, node=None, default_visibility=Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC): # Dict of Symbol objects with the symbol names as keys. Make # this ordered so that different versions of Python always # produce code with declarations in the same order. self._symbols = OrderedDict() # Ordered list of the arguments. self._argument_list = [] # Dict of tags. Some symbols can be identified with a tag. self._tags = {} # Reference to the node to which this symbol table belongs. self._node = None if node: self.attach(node) # The default visibility of symbols in this symbol table. The # setter does validation of the supplied quantity. self._default_visibility = None self.default_visibility = default_visibility @property def default_visibility(self): ''' :returns: the default visibility of symbols in this table. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol.Visibility` ''' return self._default_visibility @default_visibility.setter def default_visibility(self, vis): ''' Sets the default visibility of symbols in this table. :param vis: the default visibility. :type vis: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol.Visibility` :raises TypeError: if the supplied value is of the wrong type. ''' if not isinstance(vis, Symbol.Visibility): raise TypeError( f"Default visibility must be an instance of psyir.symbols." f"Symbol.Visibility but got '{type(vis).__name__}'") self._default_visibility = vis @property def node(self): ''' :returns: the Schedule or Container to which this symbol table belongs. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Schedule`, \ :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Container` or NoneType ''' return self._node def is_empty(self): ''' :returns: True if the symbol table is empty, and False otherwise. :rtype: bool ''' return len(self._symbols) == 0 def parent_symbol_table(self, scope_limit=None): '''If this symbol table is enclosed in another scope, return the symbol table of the next outer scope. Otherwise return None. :param scope_limit: optional Node which limits the symbol \ search space to the symbol tables of the nodes within the \ given scope. If it is None (the default), the whole \ scope (all symbol tables in ancestor nodes) is searched \ otherwise ancestors of the scope_limit node are not \ searched. :type scope_limit: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node` or \ `NoneType` :returns: the 'parent' SymbolTable of the current SymbolTable (i.e. the one that encloses this one in the PSyIR hierarchy). :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` or NoneType ''' # Validate the supplied scope_limit if scope_limit is not None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from psyclone.psyir.nodes import Node if not isinstance(scope_limit, Node): raise TypeError( f"The scope_limit argument '{scope_limit}', is not of " f"type `Node`.") # We use the Node with which this table is associated in order to # move up the Node hierarchy if self.node: search_next = self.node while search_next is not scope_limit and search_next.parent: search_next = search_next.parent if hasattr(search_next, 'symbol_table'): return search_next.symbol_table return None def get_symbols(self, scope_limit=None): '''Return symbols from this symbol table and all symbol tables associated with ancestors of the node that this symbol table is attached to. If there are name duplicates we only return the one from the closest ancestor including self. It accepts an optional scope_limit argument. :param scope_limit: optional Node which limits the symbol \ search space to the symbol tables of the nodes within the \ given scope. If it is None (the default), the whole \ scope (all symbol tables in ancestor nodes) is searched \ otherwise ancestors of the scope_limit node are not \ searched. :type scope_limit: Optional[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node`] :returns: ordered dictionary of symbols indexed by symbol name. :rtype: OrderedDict[str] = :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` ''' all_symbols = OrderedDict() current = self while current: for symbol_name, symbol in current.symbols_dict.items(): if symbol_name not in all_symbols: all_symbols[symbol_name] = symbol current = current.parent_symbol_table(scope_limit) return all_symbols def get_tags(self, scope_limit=None): '''Return tags from this symbol table and all symbol tables associated with ancestors of the node that this symbol table is attached to. If there are tag duplicates we only return the one from the closest ancestor including self. It accepts an optional scope_limit argument. :param scope_limit: optional Node which limits the symbol \ search space to the symbol tables of the nodes within the \ given scope. If it is None (the default), the whole \ scope (all symbol tables in ancestor nodes) is searched \ otherwise ancestors of the scope_limit node are not \ searched. :type scope_limit: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node` or \ `NoneType` :returns: ordered dictionary of symbols indexed by tag. :rtype: OrderedDict[str] = :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` ''' all_tags = OrderedDict() current = self while current: for tag, symbol in current.tags_dict.items(): if tag not in all_tags: all_tags[tag] = symbol current = current.parent_symbol_table(scope_limit) return all_tags def shallow_copy(self): '''Create a copy of the symbol table with new instances of the top-level data structures but keeping the same existing symbol objects. Symbols added to the new symbol table will not be added in the original but the existing objects are still the same. :returns: a shallow copy of this symbol table. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` ''' # pylint: disable=protected-access new_st = type(self)() new_st._symbols = copy.copy(self._symbols) new_st._argument_list = copy.copy(self._argument_list) new_st._tags = copy.copy(self._tags) new_st._node = self.node new_st._default_visibility = self.default_visibility return new_st def deep_copy(self): '''Create a copy of the symbol table with new instances of the top-level data structures and also new instances of the symbols contained in these data structures. Modifying a symbol attribute will not affect the equivalent named symbol in the original symbol table. The only attribute not copied is the _node reference to the scope, since that scope can only have one symbol table associated to it. :returns: a deep copy of this symbol table. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` ''' # pylint: disable=protected-access new_st = type(self)() # Make a copy of each symbol in the symbol table for symbol in self.symbols: new_st.add(symbol.copy()) # Prepare the new argument list new_arguments = [] for name in [ for arg in self.argument_list]: new_arguments.append(new_st.lookup(name)) new_st.specify_argument_list(new_arguments) # Prepare the new tag dict for tag, symbol in self._tags.items(): new_st._tags[tag] = new_st.lookup( # Fix the container links for imported symbols for symbol in new_st.imported_symbols: name = orig_name = symbol.interface.orig_name new_container = new_st.lookup(name) symbol.interface = ImportInterface(new_container, orig_name=orig_name) # Set the default visibility new_st._default_visibility = self.default_visibility return new_st @staticmethod def _normalize(key): '''Normalises the symboltable key strings. :param str key: an input key. :returns: the normalized key. :rtype: str ''' # The symbol table is currently case insensitive new_key = key.lower() return new_key @classmethod def _has_same_name(cls, first, second): ''' Compare if two symbols have the same normalized name. For convenience it accepts symbols and strings. :param first: first item of the comparison. :type first: str | :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :param second: second item of the comparison. :type second: str | :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :returns: whether the two symbols names are the same. :rtype: bool ''' string1 = first if isinstance(first, str) else string2 = second if isinstance(second, str) else return cls._normalize(string1) == cls._normalize(string2) def new_symbol(self, root_name=None, tag=None, shadowing=False, symbol_type=None, **symbol_init_args): ''' Create a new symbol. Optional root_name and shadowing arguments can be given to choose the name following the rules of next_available_name(). An optional tag can also be given. By default it creates a generic symbol but a symbol_type argument and any additional initialization keyword arguments of this symbol_type can be provided to refine the created Symbol. :param root_name: optional name to use when creating a new \ symbol name. This will be appended with an integer if the name \ clashes with an existing symbol name. :type root_name: str or NoneType :param str tag: optional tag identifier for the new symbol. :param bool shadowing: optional logical flag indicating whether the \ name can be overlapping with a symbol in any of the ancestors \ symbol tables. Defaults to False. :param symbol_type: class type of the new symbol. :type symbol_type: type object of class (or subclasses) of \ :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :param symbol_init_args: arguments to create a new symbol. :type symbol_init_args: unwrapped Dict[str] = object :raises TypeError: if the type_symbol argument is not the type of a \ Symbol object class or one of its subclasses. ''' # Only type-check symbol_type, the other arguments are just passed down # and type checked inside each relevant method. if symbol_type is not None: if not (isinstance(symbol_type, type) and Symbol in inspect.getmro(symbol_type)): raise TypeError( f"The symbol_type parameter should be a type class of " f"Symbol or one of its sub-classes but found " f"'{type(symbol_type).__name__}' instead.") else: symbol_type = Symbol # If no visibility parameter has been provided use this symbol table's # default visibility if "visibility" not in symbol_init_args: symbol_init_args["visibility"] = self.default_visibility available_name = self.next_available_name(root_name, shadowing) symbol = symbol_type(available_name, **symbol_init_args) self.add(symbol, tag) return symbol def find_or_create(self, name, **new_symbol_args): ''' Lookup a symbol by its name, if it doesn't exist create a new symbol with the given properties. :param str name: name of the symbol to lookup or create. :param new_symbol_args: arguments to create a new symbol. :type new_symbol_args: unwrapped Dict[str, object] :raises SymbolError: if the symbol already exists but the type_symbol \ argument does not match the type of the symbol \ found. ''' try: symbol = self.lookup(name) # Check that the symbol found matches the requested description if 'symbol_type' in new_symbol_args: symbol_type = new_symbol_args['symbol_type'] if not isinstance(symbol, new_symbol_args['symbol_type']): raise SymbolError( f"Expected symbol with name '{name}' to be of type " f"'{symbol_type.__name__}' but found type " f"'{type(symbol).__name__}'.") # TODO #1057: If the symbol is found and some unmatching arguments # were given it should also fail here. return symbol except KeyError: return self.new_symbol(name, **new_symbol_args) def find_or_create_tag(self, tag, root_name=None, **new_symbol_args): ''' Lookup a tag, if it doesn't exist create a new symbol with the given tag. By default it creates a generic Symbol with the tag as the root of the symbol name. Optionally, a different root_name or any of the arguments available in the new_symbol() method can be given to refine the name and the type of the created Symbol. :param str tag: tag identifier. :param str root_name: optional name of the new symbol if it needs \ to be created. Otherwise it is ignored. :param new_symbol_args: arguments to create a new symbol. :type new_symbol_args: unwrapped Dict[str, object] :returns: symbol associated with the given tag. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :raises SymbolError: if the symbol already exists but the type_symbol \ argument does not match the type of the symbol \ found. ''' try: symbol = self.lookup_with_tag(tag) # Check that the symbol found matches the requested description if 'symbol_type' in new_symbol_args: symbol_type = new_symbol_args['symbol_type'] if not isinstance(symbol, new_symbol_args['symbol_type']): raise SymbolError( f"Expected symbol with tag '{tag}' to be of type " f"'{symbol_type.__name__}' but found type " f"'{type(symbol).__name__}'.") # TODO #1057: If the symbol is found and some unmatching arguments # were given it should also fail here. return symbol except KeyError: if not root_name: root_name = tag return self.new_symbol(root_name, tag, **new_symbol_args) def next_available_name(self, root_name=None, shadowing=False, other_table=None): '''Return a name that is not in the symbol table and therefore can be used to declare a new symbol. If the `root_name` argument is not supplied or if it is an empty string then the name is generated internally, otherwise the `root_name` is used. If required, an additional integer is appended to avoid clashes. If the shadowing argument is True (is False by default), the names in parent symbol tables will not be considered. If `other_table` is supplied, the new name is constructed so as not to clash with any entries in that table. :param str root_name: optional name to use when creating a new \ symbol name. This will be appended with an integer if the name \ clashes with an existing symbol name. :param bool shadowing: optional logical flag indicating whether the \ name can be overlapping with a symbol in any of the ancestors \ symbol tables. Defaults to False. :param other_table: an optional, second symbol table to take into \ account when constructing a new name. :type other_table: :py:class`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` :returns: the new unique symbol name. :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if any of the arguments are of the wrong type. ''' if not isinstance(shadowing, bool): raise TypeError( f"Argument 'shadowing' should be of type bool" f" but found '{type(shadowing).__name__}'.") if other_table and not isinstance(other_table, SymbolTable): raise TypeError( f"If supplied, argument 'other_table' should be of type " f"SymbolTable but found '{type(other_table).__name__}'.") if shadowing: symbols = self._symbols else: # If symbol shadowing is not permitted, the list of symbols names # that can't be used includes all the symbols from all the ancestor # symbol tables. symbols = self.get_symbols() # Construct the set of existing names. existing_names = set(symbols.keys()) if other_table: # If a second symbol table has been supplied, include its entries # in the list of names to exclude. other_names = set(other_table.symbols_dict.keys()) existing_names = existing_names.union(other_names) if root_name is not None: if not isinstance(root_name, str): raise TypeError( f"Argument root_name should be of type str or NoneType " f"but found '{type(root_name).__name__}'.") if not root_name: root_name = Config.get().psyir_root_name candidate_name = root_name idx = 1 while self._normalize(candidate_name) in existing_names: candidate_name = f"{root_name}_{idx}" idx += 1 return candidate_name def add(self, new_symbol, tag=None): '''Add a new symbol to the symbol table if the symbol name is not already in use. :param new_symbol: the symbol to add to the symbol table. :type new_symbol: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :param str tag: a tag identifier for the new symbol, by default no \ tag is given. :raises InternalError: if the new_symbol argument is not a \ symbol. :raises KeyError: if the symbol name is already in use. :raises KeyError: if a tag is supplied and it is already in \ use. ''' if not isinstance(new_symbol, Symbol): raise InternalError(f"Symbol '{new_symbol}' is not a symbol, but " f"'{type(new_symbol).__name__}'.'") key = self._normalize( if key in self._symbols: raise KeyError(f"Symbol table already contains a symbol with " f"name '{}'.") if tag: if tag in self.get_tags(): raise KeyError( f"This symbol table, or an outer scope ancestor symbol " f"table, already contains the tag '{tag}' for the symbol" f" '{self.lookup_with_tag(tag).name}', so it can not be " f"associated with symbol '{}'.") self._tags[tag] = new_symbol self._symbols[key] = new_symbol def check_for_clashes(self, other_table): ''' Checks the symbols in the supplied table against those in this table. If there is a name clash that cannot be resolved by renaming then a SymbolError is raised. :param other_table: the table for which to check for clashes. :type other_table: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` :raises SymbolError: if there would be an unresolvable name clash \ when importing symbols from `other_table` into this table. ''' for other_sym in other_table.symbols: if not in self: continue # We have a name clash. this_sym = self.lookup( # If they are both ContainerSymbols then that's OK as they refer to # the same Container. if (isinstance(this_sym, ContainerSymbol) and isinstance(other_sym, ContainerSymbol)): continue if other_sym.is_import and this_sym.is_import: # Both symbols are imported. That's fine as long as they are # imported from the same Container. if not self._has_same_name( other_sym.interface.container_symbol, this_sym.interface.container_symbol): raise SymbolError( f"This table has an import of '{}' from " f"Container " f"'{}' but " f"the supplied table imports it from Container " f"'{}'.") continue # Can either of them be renamed? try: self.rename_symbol(this_sym, "", dry_run=True) except SymbolError as err1: try: other_table.rename_symbol(other_sym, "", dry_run=True) except SymbolError as err2: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise SymbolError( f"There is a name clash for symbol '{}' " f"that cannot be resolved by renaming " f"one of the instances because:\n- {err1}\n- {err2}") def _add_container_symbols_from_table(self, other_table): ''' Takes container symbols from the supplied symbol table and adds them to this table. All references to each container symbol are also updated. (This is a preliminary step to adding all symbols from other_table to this table.) :param other_table: the symbol table from which to take container \ symbols. :type other_table: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` ''' for csym in other_table.containersymbols: if in self: # We have a clash with another symbol in this table. self_csym = self.lookup( if not isinstance(self_csym, ContainerSymbol): # The symbol in *this* table is not a Container so we # may be able to rename it. self.rename_symbol( self_csym, self.next_available_name(, other_table=other_table)) # We can then add an import from the Container. self.add(csym) else: # The symbol in *this* table is also a ContainerSymbol so # must refer to the same Container. If there is a wildcard # import from this Container then we'll need that in this # Table too. if csym.wildcard_import: self_csym.wildcard_import = True else: self.add(csym) # We must update all references to this ContainerSymbol # so that they point to the one in this table instead. imported_syms = other_table.symbols_imported_from(csym) for isym in imported_syms: if in self: # We have a potential clash with a symbol imported # into the other table. other_sym = self.lookup( if not other_sym.is_import: # The calling merge() method has already checked that # we don't have a clash between symbols of the same # name imported from different containers. We don't # support renaming an imported symbol but the # symbol in this table can be renamed so we do that. self.rename_symbol( other_sym, self.next_available_name(, other_table=other_table)) isym.interface = ImportInterface( self.lookup(, orig_name=isym.interface.orig_name) def _add_symbols_from_table(self, other_table, include_arguments=True): ''' Takes symbols from the supplied symbol table and adds them to this table. _add_container_symbols_from_table() must have been called before this method in order to handle any Container Symbols and update those Symbols imported from them. :param other_table: the symbol table from which to add symbols. :type other_table: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` :param bool include_arguments: whether or not to include symbols that \ are routine arguments. :raises InternalError: if an imported symbol is found that has not \ already been updated to refer to a Container in this table. ''' if include_arguments: symbols_to_skip = [] else: symbols_to_skip = other_table.argument_list[:] try: # In the case where the 'other_table' belongs to a routine, # we don't want or need the symbol representing that routine. rsym = other_table.lookup_with_tag("own_routine_symbol") if isinstance(rsym, RoutineSymbol): # We only want to skip RoutineSymbols, not DataSymbols (which # we may have if we have a Fortran function). symbols_to_skip.append(rsym) except KeyError: pass for old_sym in other_table.symbols: if old_sym in symbols_to_skip or isinstance(old_sym, ContainerSymbol): # We've dealt with Container symbols in _add_container_symbols. continue try: self.add(old_sym) except KeyError: # We have a clash with a symbol in this table. if old_sym.is_import: # This symbol is imported from a Container so should # already have been updated so as to be imported from the # corresponding container in this table. self_csym = self.lookup( if old_sym.interface.container_symbol is not self_csym: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise InternalError( f"Symbol '{}' imported from " f"'{}' has not been updated to refer" f" to the corresponding container in the " f"current table.") else: # A Symbol with the same name already exists so we rename # the one that we are adding. (We don't just create a new # Symbol because we need to preserve any References to it.) new_name = self.next_available_name(, other_table=other_table) other_table.rename_symbol(old_sym, new_name) self.add(old_sym) def merge(self, other_table, include_arguments=True): '''Merges all of the symbols found in `other_table` into this table. Symbol objects in *either* table may be renamed in the event of clashes. If `other_table` belongs to a Routine and contains a symbol with the same name as the Routine (i.e. a function in Fortran) then that symbol is *not* added to this symbol table. Also, if `include_arguments` is False then any Symbols representing formal routine arguments are excluded. :param other_table: the symbol table from which to add symbols. :type other_table: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` :param bool include_arguments: whether to include Symbols that \ represent routine arguments. :raises TypeError: if `other_table` is not a SymbolTable. :raises SymbolError: if name clashes prevent the merge. ''' if not isinstance(other_table, SymbolTable): raise TypeError(f"SymbolTable.merge() expects a SymbolTable " f"instance but got '{type(other_table).__name__}'") try: self.check_for_clashes(other_table) except SymbolError as err: raise SymbolError( f"Cannot merge {other_table.view()} with {self.view()} due to " f"unresolvable name clashes.") from err # Deal with any Container symbols first. self._add_container_symbols_from_table(other_table) # Copy each Symbol from the supplied table into this one, excluding # ContainerSymbols and, optionally, those that represent formal args. self._add_symbols_from_table(other_table, include_arguments) def swap_symbol_properties(self, symbol1, symbol2): '''Swaps the properties of symbol1 and symbol2 apart from the symbol name. Argument list positions are also updated appropriately. :param symbol1: the first symbol. :type symbol1: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :param symbol2: the second symbol. :type symbol2: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :raises KeyError: if either of the supplied symbols are not in \ the symbol table. :raises TypeError: if the supplied arguments are not symbols, \ or the names of the symbols are the same in the SymbolTable \ instance. ''' for symbol in [symbol1, symbol2]: if not isinstance(symbol, Symbol): raise TypeError(f"Arguments should be of type 'Symbol' but " f"found '{type(symbol).__name__}'.") if not in self._symbols: raise KeyError(f"Symbol '{}' is not in the symbol " f"table.") if self._has_same_name(, raise ValueError(f"The symbols should have different names, but " f"found '{}' for both.") tmp_symbol = symbol1.copy() symbol1.copy_properties(symbol2) symbol2.copy_properties(tmp_symbol) # Update argument list if necessary index1 = None if symbol1 in self._argument_list: index1 = self._argument_list.index(symbol1) index2 = None if symbol2 in self._argument_list: index2 = self._argument_list.index(symbol2) if index1 is not None: self._argument_list[index1] = symbol2 if index2 is not None: self._argument_list[index2] = symbol1 def specify_argument_list(self, argument_symbols): ''' Sets-up the internal list storing the order of the arguments to this kernel. :param list argument_symbols: ordered list of the DataSymbols \ representing the kernel arguments. :raises ValueError: if the new argument_list is not consistent with \ the existing entries in the SymbolTable. ''' self._validate_arg_list(argument_symbols) self._argument_list = argument_symbols[:] def lookup(self, name, visibility=None, scope_limit=None): '''Look up a symbol in the symbol table. The lookup can be limited by visibility (e.g. just show public methods) or by scope_limit (e.g. just show symbols up to a certain scope). :param str name: name of the symbol. :param visibilty: the visibility or list of visibilities that the \ symbol must have. :type visibility: [list of] :py:class:`psyclone.symbols.Visibility` :param scope_limit: optional Node which limits the symbol \ search space to the symbol tables of the nodes within the \ given scope. If it is None (the default), the whole \ scope (all symbol tables in ancestor nodes) is searched \ otherwise ancestors of the scope_limit node are not \ searched. :type scope_limit: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node` or \ `NoneType` :returns: the symbol with the given name and, if specified, visibility. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :raises TypeError: if the name argument is not a string. :raises SymbolError: if the name exists in the Symbol Table but does \ not have the specified visibility. :raises TypeError: if the visibility argument has the wrong type. :raises KeyError: if the given name is not in the Symbol Table. ''' if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError( f"Expected the name argument to the lookup() method to be " f"a str but found '{type(name).__name__}'.") try: symbol = self.get_symbols(scope_limit)[self._normalize(name)] if visibility: if not isinstance(visibility, list): vis_list = [visibility] else: vis_list = visibility if symbol.visibility not in vis_list: vis_names = [] # Take care here in case the 'visibility' argument # is of the wrong type for vis in vis_list: if not isinstance(vis, Symbol.Visibility): raise TypeError( f"the 'visibility' argument to lookup() must " f"be an instance (or list of instances) of " f"Symbol.Visibility but got " f"'{type(vis).__name__}' when searching for " f"symbol '{name}'") vis_names.append( raise SymbolError( f"Symbol '{name}' exists in the Symbol Table but has " f"visibility '{}' which does not" f" match with the requested visibility: {vis_names}") return symbol except KeyError as err: raise KeyError(f"Could not find '{name}' in the Symbol Table.") \ from err def lookup_with_tag(self, tag, scope_limit=None): '''Look up a symbol by its tag. The lookup can be limited by scope_limit (e.g. just show symbols up to a certain scope). :param str tag: tag identifier. :param scope_limit: optional Node which limits the symbol \ search space to the symbol tables of the nodes within the \ given scope. If it is None (the default), the whole \ scope (all symbol tables in ancestor nodes) is searched \ otherwise ancestors of the scope_limit node are not \ searched. :returns: symbol with the given tag. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :raises TypeError: if the tag argument is not a string. :raises KeyError: if the given tag is not in the Symbol Table. ''' if not isinstance(tag, str): raise TypeError( f"Expected the tag argument to the lookup_with_tag() method " f"to be a str but found '{type(tag).__name__}'.") try: return self.get_tags(scope_limit)[tag] except KeyError as err: raise KeyError(f"Could not find the tag '{tag}' in the Symbol " f"Table.") from err def __contains__(self, key): '''Check if the given key is part of the Symbol Table. :param str key: key to check for existance. :returns: whether the Symbol Table contains the given key. :rtype: bool ''' return self._normalize(key.lower()) in self._symbols def symbols_imported_from(self, csymbol): ''' Examines the contents of this symbol table to see which DataSymbols (if any) are imported from the supplied ContainerSymbol (which must be present in the SymbolTable). :param csymbol: the ContainerSymbol to search for imports from. :type csymbol: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.ContainerSymbol` :returns: list of DataSymbols that are imported from the supplied \ ContainerSymbol. If none are found then the list is empty. :rtype: list of :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol` :raises TypeError: if the supplied object is not a ContainerSymbol. :raises KeyError: if the supplied object is not in this SymbolTable. ''' if not isinstance(csymbol, ContainerSymbol): raise TypeError( f"symbols_imported_from() expects a ContainerSymbol but got " f"an object of type '{type(csymbol).__name__}'") # self.lookup(name) will raise a KeyError if there is no symbol with # that name in the table. if self.lookup( is not csymbol: raise KeyError(f"The '{}' entry in this SymbolTable " f"is not the supplied ContainerSymbol.") return [symbol for symbol in self.imported_symbols if symbol.interface.container_symbol is csymbol] def swap(self, old_symbol, new_symbol): ''' Remove the `old_symbol` from the table and replace it with the `new_symbol`. :param old_symbol: the symbol to remove from the table. :type old_symbol: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :param new_symbol: the symbol to add to the table. :type new_symbol: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :raises TypeError: if either old/new_symbol are not Symbols. :raises SymbolError: if `old_symbol` and `new_symbol` don't have the same name (after normalising). ''' if not isinstance(old_symbol, Symbol): raise TypeError(f"Symbol to remove must be of type Symbol but " f"got '{type(old_symbol).__name__}'") if not isinstance(new_symbol, Symbol): raise TypeError(f"Symbol to add must be of type Symbol but " f"got '{type(new_symbol).__name__}'") if not self._has_same_name(old_symbol, new_symbol): raise SymbolError( f"Cannot swap symbols that have different names, got: " f"'{}' and '{}'") # TODO #898 remove() does not currently check for any uses of # old_symbol. self.remove(old_symbol) self.add(new_symbol) def remove(self, symbol): ''' Remove the supplied symbol from the Symbol Table. This has a high potential to leave broken links, so this method checks for some references to the removed symbol depending on the symbol type. Currently, generic Symbols, ContainerSymbols and RoutineSymbols are supported. Support for removing other types of Symbol will be added as required. TODO #898. This method should check for any references/uses of the target symbol. :param symbol: the container symbol to remove. :type symbol: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.ContainerSymbol` :raises TypeError: if the supplied symbol is not of type Symbol. :raises NotImplementedError: the removal of this symbol type is not \ supported yet. :raises KeyError: if the supplied symbol is not in the symbol table. :raises ValueError: if the supplied container symbol is referenced \ by one or more DataSymbols. :raises InternalError: if the supplied symbol is not the same as the \ entry with that name in this SymbolTable. ''' if not isinstance(symbol, Symbol): raise TypeError(f"remove() expects a Symbol argument but found: " f"'{type(symbol).__name__}'.") # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if not (isinstance(symbol, (ContainerSymbol, RoutineSymbol)) or type(symbol) is Symbol): raise NotImplementedError( f"remove() currently only supports generic Symbol, " f"ContainerSymbol and RoutineSymbol types but got: " f"'{type(symbol).__name__}'") # pylint: enable=unidiomatic-typecheck # Since we are manipulating the _symbols dict directly we must use # the normalised name of the symbol. norm_name = self._normalize( if norm_name not in self._symbols: raise KeyError(f"Cannot remove Symbol '{}' from symbol " f"table because it does not exist.") # Sanity-check that the entry in the table is the symbol we've # been passed. if self._symbols[norm_name] is not symbol: raise InternalError( f"The Symbol with name '{}' in this symbol table " f"is not the same Symbol object as the one that has been " f"supplied to the remove() method.") # We can only remove a ContainerSymbol if no DataSymbols are # being imported from it if (isinstance(symbol, ContainerSymbol) and self.symbols_imported_from(symbol)): raise ValueError( f"Cannot remove ContainerSymbol '{}' since symbols" f" {[ for sym in self.symbols_imported_from(symbol)]} " f"are imported from it - remove them first.") # If the symbol had a tag, it should be disassociated for tag, tagged_symbol in list(self._tags.items()): if symbol is tagged_symbol: del self._tags[tag] self._symbols.pop(norm_name) @property def argument_list(self): ''' Checks that the contents of the SymbolTable are self-consistent and then returns the list of kernel arguments. :returns: ordered list of arguments. :rtype: list of :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol` :raises InternalError: if the entries of the SymbolTable are not \ self-consistent. ''' try: self._validate_arg_list(self._argument_list) self._validate_non_args() except ValueError as err: # If the SymbolTable is inconsistent at this point then # we have an InternalError. raise InternalError(str(err.args)) from err return self._argument_list @staticmethod def _validate_arg_list(arg_list): ''' Checks that the supplied list of Symbols are valid kernel arguments. :param arg_list: the proposed kernel arguments. :type param_list: list of :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol` :raises TypeError: if any item in the supplied list is not a \ DataSymbol. :raises ValueError: if any of the symbols does not have an argument \ interface. ''' for symbol in arg_list: if not isinstance(symbol, DataSymbol): raise TypeError(f"Expected a list of DataSymbols but found an " f"object of type '{type(symbol)}'.") if not symbol.is_argument: raise ValueError( f"DataSymbol '{symbol}' is listed as a kernel argument " f"but has an interface of type '{type(symbol.interface)}' " f"rather than ArgumentInterface") def _validate_non_args(self): ''' Performs internal consistency checks on the current entries in the SymbolTable that do not represent kernel arguments. :raises ValueError: if a symbol that is not in the argument list \ has an argument interface. ''' for symbol in self.datasymbols: if symbol not in self._argument_list: # DataSymbols not in the argument list must not have a # Symbol.Argument interface if symbol.is_argument: raise ValueError( f"Symbol '{symbol}' is not listed as a kernel argument" f" and yet has an ArgumentInterface interface.") @property def symbols_dict(self): ''' :returns: ordered dictionary of symbols indexed by symbol name. :rtype: OrderedDict[str] = :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` ''' return self._symbols @property def tags_dict(self): ''' :returns: ordered dictionary of symbols indexed by tag. :rtype: OrderedDict[str] = :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` ''' return self._tags def get_reverse_tags_dict(self): ''' Constructs and returns a reverse of the map returned by tags_dict method. :returns: ordered dictionary of tags indexed by symbol. :rtype: OrderedDict[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol`, str] ''' tags_dict_reversed = OrderedDict() # TODO #1654. This assumes that there is only ever one tag associated # with a particular Symbol. At present this is guaranteed by the # SymbolTable interface but this restriction may be lifted in future. for tag, sym in self._tags.items(): tags_dict_reversed[sym] = tag return tags_dict_reversed @property def symbols(self): ''' :returns: list of symbols. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol`] ''' return list(self._symbols.values()) @property def datasymbols(self): ''' :returns: list of symbols representing data variables. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] ''' return [sym for sym in self._symbols.values() if isinstance(sym, DataSymbol)] @property def automatic_datasymbols(self): ''' :returns: list of symbols representing automatic variables. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] ''' return [sym for sym in self.datasymbols if sym.is_automatic] @property def argument_datasymbols(self): ''' :returns: list of symbols representing arguments. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] ''' return [sym for sym in self.datasymbols if sym.is_argument] @property def imported_symbols(self): ''' :returns: list of symbols that have an imported interface (are \ associated with data that exists outside the current scope). :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol`] ''' return [sym for sym in self.symbols if sym.is_import] @property def unresolved_datasymbols(self): ''' :returns: list of symbols representing unresolved variables. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] ''' return [sym for sym in self.datasymbols if sym.is_unresolved] @property def precision_datasymbols(self): ''' :returns: list of all symbols used to define the precision of \ other symbols within the table. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] ''' # Accumulate into a set so as to remove any duplicates precision_symbols = set() for sym in self.datasymbols: # Not all types have the 'precision' attribute (e.g. # UnresolvedType) if (hasattr(sym.datatype, "precision") and isinstance(sym.datatype.precision, DataSymbol)): precision_symbols.add(sym.datatype.precision) return list(precision_symbols) @property def containersymbols(self): ''' :returns: a list of the ContainerSymbols present in the Symbol Table. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.ContainerSymbol`] ''' return [sym for sym in self.symbols if isinstance(sym, ContainerSymbol)] @property def datatypesymbols(self): ''' :returns: the DataTypeSymbols present in the Symbol Table. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataTypeSymbol`] ''' return [sym for sym in self.symbols if isinstance(sym, DataTypeSymbol)] @property def iteration_indices(self): ''' :returns: list of symbols representing kernel iteration indices. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] :raises NotImplementedError: this method is abstract. ''' raise NotImplementedError( "Abstract property. Which symbols are iteration indices is" " API-specific.") @property def data_arguments(self): ''' :returns: list of symbols representing kernel data arguments. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] :raises NotImplementedError: this method is abstract. ''' raise NotImplementedError( "Abstract property. Which symbols are data arguments is" " API-specific.") def copy_external_import(self, imported_var, tag=None): ''' Copy the given imported variable (and its referenced ContainerSymbol if needed) into the SymbolTable. :param imported_var: the variable to be copied in. :type imported_var: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol` :param str tag: a tag identifier for the new copy, by default no tag \ is given. :raises TypeError: if the given variable is not an imported variable. :raises KeyError: if the given variable name already exists in the \ symbol table. ''' if not isinstance(imported_var, DataSymbol): raise TypeError( f"The imported_var argument of " f"SymbolTable.copy_external_import method should be a " f"DataSymbol, but found '{type(imported_var).__name__}'.") if not imported_var.is_import: raise TypeError( f"The imported_var argument of SymbolTable.copy_external_" f"import method should have an ImportInterface interface, " f"but found '{type(imported_var.interface).__name__}'.") external_container_name = # If the Container is not yet in the SymbolTable we need to # create one and add it. if external_container_name not in self: self.add(ContainerSymbol(external_container_name)) container_ref = self.lookup(external_container_name) # Copy the variable into the SymbolTable with the appropriate interface if not in self: new_symbol = imported_var.copy() # Update the interface of this new symbol new_symbol.interface = ImportInterface(container_ref) self.add(new_symbol, tag) else: # If it already exists it must refer to the same Container and have # the same tag. local_instance = self.lookup( if not (local_instance.is_import and self._has_same_name( local_instance.interface.container_symbol, external_container_name)): raise KeyError( f"Couldn't copy '{imported_var}' into the SymbolTable. The" f" name '{}' is already used by another " f"symbol.") if tag: # If the symbol already exists and a tag is provided try: self.lookup_with_tag(tag) except KeyError: # If the tag was not used, it will now be attached # to the symbol. self._tags[tag] = self.lookup( # The tag should not refer to a different symbol if self.lookup( != self.lookup_with_tag(tag): raise KeyError( f"Couldn't copy '{imported_var}' into the SymbolTable." f" The tag '{tag}' is already used by another symbol.") def resolve_imports(self, container_symbols=None, symbol_target=None): ''' Try to resolve deferred and unknown information from imported symbols in this symbol table by searching for their definitions in referred external container. A single symbol to resolve can be specified for a more targeted import. :param container_symbols: list of container symbols to search in \ order to resolve imported symbols. Defaults to all container \ symbols in the symbol table. :type container_symbols: list of \ :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.ContainerSymbol` :param symbol_target: If a symbol is given, this method will just \ resolve information for the given symbol. Otherwise it will \ resolve all possible symbols information. Defaults to None. :type symbol_target: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` \ or NoneType :raises SymbolError: if a symbol name clash is found between multiple \ imports or an import and a local symbol. :raises TypeError: if the provided container_symbols is not a list of \ ContainerSymbols. :raises TypeError: if the provided symbol_target is not a Symbol. :raises KeyError: if a symbol_target has been specified but this has \ not been found in any of the searched containers. ''' if container_symbols is not None: if not isinstance(container_symbols, list): raise TypeError( f"The resolve_imports container_symbols argument must be a" f" list but found '{type(container_symbols).__name__}' " f"instead.") for item in container_symbols: if not isinstance(item, ContainerSymbol): raise TypeError( f"The resolve_imports container_symbols argument list " f"elements must be ContainerSymbols, but found a " f"'{type(item).__name__}' instead.") else: # If no container_symbol is given, search in all the containers container_symbols = self.containersymbols if symbol_target and not isinstance(symbol_target, Symbol): raise TypeError( f"The resolve_imports symbol_target argument must be a Symbol " f"but found '{type(symbol_target).__name__}' instead.") for c_symbol in container_symbols: try: external_container = c_symbol.container # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: # Ignore this container if the associated module file has not # been found in the given include_path or any issue has arisen # during parsing. # TODO #11: It would be useful to log this. continue # Examine all Symbols defined within this external container for symbol in external_container.symbol_table.symbols: if symbol.visibility == Symbol.Visibility.PRIVATE: continue # We must ignore this symbol if isinstance(symbol, ContainerSymbol): # TODO #1540: We also skip other ContainerSymbols but in # reality if this is a wildcard import we would have to # process the nested external container. continue # If we are just resolving a single specific symbol we don't # need to process this symbol unless the name matches. if symbol_target and not self._has_same_name( symbol, symbol_target): continue # Determine if there is an Unresolved Symbol in a # descendent symbol table that matches the name of the # symbol we are importing and if so, move it to this # symbol table if a symbol with the same name does not # already exist in this symbol table. # There are potential issues with this approach and # with the routine in general which are captured in # issue #2331. Issue #2271 may also help/fix some or # all of the problems too. # Import here to avoid circular dependencies # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from psyclone.psyir.nodes import ScopingNode, Reference for scoping_node in self.node.walk(ScopingNode): symbol_table = scoping_node.symbol_table if in symbol_table: test_symbol = symbol_table.lookup( # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if (type(test_symbol) is Symbol and test_symbol.is_unresolved): # No wildcard imports in this symbol table if not [sym for sym in symbol_table.containersymbols if sym.wildcard_import]: symbol_table.remove(test_symbol) if not in self: self.add(test_symbol) else: for ref in symbol_table.node.walk( Reference): if SymbolTable._has_same_name( ref.symbol, symbol): mod_symbol = self.lookup( ref.symbol = mod_symbol # This Symbol matches the name of a symbol in the current table if in self: symbol_match = self.lookup( interface = symbol_match.interface visibility = symbol_match.visibility # If the import statement is not a wildcard import, the # matching symbol must have the appropriate interface # referring to this c_symbol if not c_symbol.wildcard_import: if not isinstance(interface, ImportInterface) or \ interface.container_symbol is not c_symbol: continue # It doesn't come from this import # Found a match, update the interface if necessary or raise # an error if it is an ambiguous match if isinstance(interface, UnresolvedInterface): # Now we know where the symbol is coming from interface = ImportInterface(c_symbol) elif isinstance(interface, ImportInterface): # If it is already an ImportInterface we don't need # to update the interface information pass else: raise SymbolError( f"Found a name clash with symbol '{}' " f"when importing symbols from container " f"'{}'.") # If the external symbol is a subclass of the local # symbol_match, copy the external symbol properties, # otherwise ignore this step. if isinstance(symbol, type(symbol_match)): # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if type(symbol) is not type(symbol_match): if isinstance(symbol, TypedSymbol): # All TypedSymbols have a mandatory datatype # argument symbol_match.specialise( type(symbol), datatype=symbol.datatype) else: symbol_match.specialise(type(symbol)) symbol_match.copy_properties(symbol) # Restore the interface and visibility as these are # local (not imported) properties symbol_match.interface = interface symbol_match.visibility = visibility if symbol_target: # If we were looking just for this symbol we don't need # to continue searching return else: if c_symbol.wildcard_import: # This symbol is PUBLIC and inside a wildcard import, # so it needs to be declared in the symbol table. new_symbol = symbol.copy() new_symbol.interface = ImportInterface(c_symbol) new_symbol.visibility = self.default_visibility self.add(new_symbol) if symbol_target: # If we were looking just for this symbol then # we're done. return if symbol_target: raise KeyError( f"The target symbol '{}' was not found in " f"any of the searched containers: " f"{[ for cont in container_symbols]}.") def rename_symbol(self, symbol, name, dry_run=False): ''' Rename the given symbol which should belong to this symbol table with the new name provided. :param symbol: the symbol to be renamed. :type symbol: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.Symbol` :param str name: the new name. :param bool dry_run: if True then only the validation checks are \ performed. :raises TypeError: if the symbol is not a Symbol. :raises TypeError: if the name is not a str. :raises ValueError: if the given symbol does not belong to this \ symbol table. :raises KeyError: if the given variable name already exists in the \ symbol table. :raises SymbolError: if the specified Symbol is a ContainerSymbol, is \ imported or is a formal routine argument. :raises SymbolError: if the specified Symbol is accessed within a \ CodeBlock in the scope of this table. :raises SymbolError: if the symbol has a common block interface. ''' if not isinstance(symbol, Symbol): raise TypeError( f"The symbol argument of rename_symbol() must be a Symbol, but" f" found: '{type(symbol).__name__}'.") if symbol not in self.symbols: raise ValueError( f"The symbol argument of rename_symbol() must belong to this " f"symbol_table instance, but '{symbol}' does not.") if isinstance(symbol, ContainerSymbol): raise SymbolError(f"Cannot rename symbol '{}' because " f"it is a ContainerSymbol.") if symbol.is_import: raise SymbolError( f"Cannot rename symbol '{}' because it is imported " f"(from Container '{}')." ) if symbol.is_argument: raise SymbolError( f"Cannot rename symbol '{}' because it is a routine" f" argument and as such may be named in a Call.") if symbol.is_commonblock: raise SymbolError( f"Cannot rename symbol '{}' because it has a " f"CommonBlock interface.") if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError( f"The name argument of rename_symbol() must be a str, but" f" found: '{type(symbol).__name__}'.") if self._normalize(name) in self._symbols: raise KeyError( f"The name argument of rename_symbol() must not already exist " f"in this symbol_table instance, but '{name}' does.") old_name = self._normalize( if self.node: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from psyclone.psyir.nodes import CodeBlock cblocks = self.node.walk(CodeBlock) for cblock in cblocks: sym_names = [self._normalize(sname) for sname in cblock.get_symbol_names()] if old_name in sym_names: cblk_txt = "\n".join(str(anode) for anode in cblock.get_ast_nodes) raise SymbolError( f"Cannot rename Symbol '{}' because it is " f"accessed in a CodeBlock:\n" f"{cblk_txt}") if dry_run: return # Delete current dictionary entry del self._symbols[old_name] # Rename symbol using protected access as the Symbol class should not # expose a name attribute setter. # pylint: disable=protected-access symbol._name = name # Re-insert modified symbol self.add(symbol) def has_wildcard_imports(self): ''' Searches this symbol table and then up through any parent symbol tables for a ContainerSymbol that has a wildcard import. :returns: True if a wildcard import is found, False otherwise. :rtype: bool ''' current_table = self while current_table: for sym in current_table.containersymbols: if sym.wildcard_import: return True current_table = current_table.parent_symbol_table() return False def view(self): ''' :returns: a representation of this Symbol Table. :rtype: str ''' return str(self) def __str__(self): header = "Symbol Table" if self.node: header += f" of {self.node.coloured_name(False)}" if hasattr(self.node, 'name'): header += f" '{}'" header += ":" header += "\n" + "-" * len(header) + "\n" return header + "\n".join(map(str, self._symbols.values())) + "\n" @property def scope(self): ''' :returns: the scope associated to this symbol table. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.ScopingNode` ''' return self._node def detach(self): ''' Detach this symbol table from the associated scope and return self. :returns: this symbol table. :rtype: py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable` ''' if self._node: # pylint: disable=protected-access self._node._symbol_table = None self._node = None return self def attach(self, node): ''' Attach this symbol table to the provided scope. :param node: the scoped node this symbol table will attach to. :type node: py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.ScopingNode` ''' # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from psyclone.psyir.nodes import ScopingNode if not isinstance(node, ScopingNode): raise TypeError( f"A SymbolTable must be attached to a ScopingNode" f" but found '{type(node).__name__}'.") if node.symbol_table is not None: raise ValueError( "The provided scope already has a symbol table attached " "to it. You may need to detach that one first.") if self._node is not None: raise ValueError( f"The symbol table is already bound to another " f"scope ({self.node.node_str(False)}). Consider " f"detaching or deepcopying the symbol table first.") self._node = node # pylint: disable=protected-access node._symbol_table = self def __eq__(self, other): ''' Checks whether two SymbolTables are equal. # TODO 1698: Improve. Currently it uses a quick implementation # that only checks that the view() lines of each symbol_table # are exactly the same. # The current implementation does not check tags, order # of arguments or visibilities. :param object other: the object to check equality to. :returns: whether other is equal to self. :rtype: bool ''' # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if type(self) is not type(other): return False this_lines = self.view().split('\n') other_lines = other.view().split('\n') for line in other_lines: if line not in this_lines: return False this_lines.remove(line) return len(this_lines) == 0