Source code for psyclone.psyir.transformations.inline_trans

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# BSD 3-Clause License
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# Authors: A. R. Porter, R. W. Ford, A. Chalk and S. Siso, STFC Daresbury Lab

This module contains the InlineTrans transformation.

from psyclone.errors import LazyString
from psyclone.psyGen import Transformation
from psyclone.psyir.nodes import (
    ArrayReference, ArrayOfStructuresReference, BinaryOperation, Call,
    CodeBlock, IntrinsicCall, Node, Range, Routine, Reference,
    Return, Literal, Statement, StructureMember, StructureReference)
from psyclone.psyir.nodes.array_mixin import ArrayMixin
from psyclone.psyir.symbols import (
    ArgumentInterface, ArrayType, DataSymbol, UnresolvedType, INTEGER_TYPE,
    StaticInterface, SymbolError, UnknownInterface,
    UnsupportedType, IntrinsicSymbol)
from psyclone.psyir.transformations.reference2arrayrange_trans import (
from psyclone.psyir.transformations.transformation_error import (

_ONE = Literal("1", INTEGER_TYPE)

[docs] class InlineTrans(Transformation): ''' This transformation takes a Call (which may have a return value) and replaces it with the body of the target routine. It is used as follows: >>> from psyclone.psyir.backend.fortran import FortranWriter >>> from psyclone.psyir.frontend.fortran import FortranReader >>> from psyclone.psyir.nodes import Call, Routine >>> from psyclone.psyir.transformations import InlineTrans >>> code = """ ... module test_mod ... contains ... subroutine run_it() ... integer :: i ... real :: a(10) ... do i=1,10 ... a(i) = 1.0 ... call sub(a(i)) ... end do ... end subroutine run_it ... subroutine sub(x) ... real, intent(inout) :: x ... x = 2.0*x ... end subroutine sub ... end module test_mod""" >>> psyir = FortranReader().psyir_from_source(code) >>> call = psyir.walk(Call)[0] >>> inline_trans = InlineTrans() >>> inline_trans.apply(call) >>> # Uncomment the following line to see a text view of the schedule >>> # print(psyir.walk(Routine)[0].view()) >>> print(FortranWriter()(psyir.walk(Routine)[0])) subroutine run_it() integer :: i real, dimension(10) :: a <BLANKLINE> do i = 1, 10, 1 a(i) = 1.0 a(i) = 2.0 * a(i) enddo <BLANKLINE> end subroutine run_it <BLANKLINE> .. warning:: Routines/calls with any of the following characteristics are not supported and will result in a TransformationError: * the routine is not in the same file as the call; * the routine contains an early Return statement; * the routine contains a variable with UnknownInterface; * the routine contains a variable with StaticInterface; * the routine contains an UnsupportedType variable with ArgumentInterface; * the routine has a named argument; * the shape of any array arguments as declared inside the routine does not match the shape of the arrays being passed as arguments; * the routine accesses an un-resolved symbol; * the routine accesses a symbol declared in the Container to which it belongs. Some of these restrictions will be lifted by #924. '''
[docs] def apply(self, node, options=None): ''' Takes the body of the routine that is the target of the supplied call and replaces the call with it. :param node: target PSyIR node. :type node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Routine` :param options: a dictionary with options for transformations. :type options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param bool options["force"]: whether or not to permit the inlining of Routines containing CodeBlocks. Default is False. ''' self.validate(node, options) # The table associated with the scoping region holding the Call. table = node.scope.symbol_table # Find the routine to be inlined. orig_routine = node.get_callees()[0] if not orig_routine.children or isinstance(orig_routine.children[0], Return): # Called routine is empty so just remove the call. node.detach() return # Ensure we don't modify the original Routine by working with a # copy of it. routine = orig_routine.copy() routine_table = routine.symbol_table # Construct lists of the nodes that will be inserted and all of the # References that they contain. new_stmts = [] refs = [] for child in routine.children: new_stmts.append(child.copy()) refs.extend(new_stmts[-1].walk(Reference)) # Shallow copy the symbols from the routine into the table at the # call site. table.merge(routine_table, symbols_to_skip=routine_table.argument_list[:]) # When constructing new references to replace references to formal # args, we need to know whether any of the actual arguments are array # accesses. If they use 'array notation' (i.e. represent a whole array) # then they won't have index expressions and will have been captured # as a Reference. ref2arraytrans = Reference2ArrayRangeTrans() for child in node.arguments: try: # TODO #1858, this won't yet work for arrays inside structures. ref2arraytrans.apply(child) except (TransformationError, ValueError): pass # Replace any references to formal arguments with copies of the # actual arguments. formal_args = routine_table.argument_list for ref in refs[:]: self._replace_formal_arg(ref, node, formal_args) # Store the Routine level symbol table and node's current scope # so we can merge symbol tables later if required. ancestor_table = node.ancestor(Routine).scope.symbol_table scope = node.scope # Copy the nodes from the Routine into the call site. # TODO #924 - while doing this we should ensure that any References # to common/shared Symbols in the inlined code are updated to point # to the ones at the call site. if isinstance(new_stmts[-1], Return): # If the final statement of the routine is a return then # remove it from the list. del new_stmts[-1] if routine.return_symbol: # This is a function assignment = node.ancestor(Statement) parent = assignment.parent idx = assignment.position-1 for child in new_stmts: idx += 1 parent.addchild(child, idx) table = parent.scope.symbol_table # Avoid a potential name clash with the original function table.rename_symbol( routine.return_symbol, table.next_available_name( f"inlined_{}")) node.replace_with(Reference(routine.return_symbol)) else: # This is a call parent = node.parent idx = node.position node.replace_with(new_stmts[0]) for child in new_stmts[1:]: idx += 1 parent.addchild(child, idx) # If the scope we merged the inlined function's symbol table into # is not a Routine scope then we now merge that symbol table into # the ancestor Routine. This avoids issues like #2424 when # applying ParallelLoopTrans to loops containing inlined calls. if ancestor_table is not scope.symbol_table: ancestor_table.merge(scope.symbol_table) replacement = type(scope.symbol_table)() scope.symbol_table.detach() replacement.attach(scope)
def _replace_formal_arg(self, ref, call_node, formal_args): ''' Recursively combines any References to formal arguments in the supplied PSyIR expression with the corresponding Reference (actual argument) from the call site to make a new Reference for use in the inlined code. If the supplied node is not a Reference to a formal argument then it is just returned (after we have recursed to any children). :param ref: the expression to update. :type ref: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node` :param call_node: the call site. :type call_node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Call` :param formal_args: the formal arguments of the called routine. :type formal_args: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] :returns: the replacement reference. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Reference` ''' if not isinstance(ref, Reference): # Recurse down in case this is e.g. an Operation or Range. for child in ref.children[:]: self._replace_formal_arg(child, call_node, formal_args) return ref if ref.symbol not in formal_args: # The supplied reference is not to a formal argument. return ref # Lookup the actual argument that corresponds to this formal argument. actual_arg = call_node.arguments[formal_args.index(ref.symbol)] # If the local reference is a simple Reference then we can just # replace it with a copy of the actual argument, e.g. # # call my_sub(my_struc%data(i,j)) # # subroutine my_sub(var) # ... # var = 0.0 # # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if type(ref) is Reference: arg_copy = actual_arg.copy() # If the local reference we are replacing has a parent then we # must ensure the parent's child list is updated. (It may not # have a parent if we are in the process of constructing a brand # new reference.) if ref.parent: ref.replace_with(arg_copy) return arg_copy # Local reference is not simple but the actual argument is, e.g.: # # call my_sub(my_struc) # # subroutine my_sub(var) # ... # var%data(i,j) = 0.0 # if type(actual_arg) is Reference: ref.symbol = actual_arg.symbol return ref # Neither the actual or local references are simple, i.e. they # include array accesses and/or structure accesses. new_ref = self._replace_formal_struc_arg(actual_arg, ref, call_node, formal_args) # If the local reference we are replacing has a parent then we must # ensure the parent's child list is updated. (It may not have a parent # if we are in the process of constructing a brand new reference.) if ref.parent: ref.replace_with(new_ref) return new_ref def _create_inlined_idx(self, call_node, formal_args, local_idx, decln_start, actual_start): ''' Utility that creates the PSyIR for an inlined array-index access expression. This is not trivial since a formal argument may be declared with bounds that are shifted relative to those of an actual argument. If local_idx is the index of the access in the routine; local_decln_start is the starting index of the dimension as declared in the routine; actual_start is the starting index of the slice at the callsite (whether from the array declaration or a slice); then the index of the inlined access will be:: inlined_idx = local_idx - local_decln_start + 1 + actual_start - 1 = local_idx - local_decln_start + actual_start :param call_node: the Call that we are inlining. :type call_node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Call` :param formal_args: the formal arguments of the routine being called. :type formal_args: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] :param local_idx: a local array-index expression (i.e. appearing \ within the routine being inlined). :type local_idx: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node` :param decln_start: the lower bound of the corresponding array \ dimension, as declared inside the routine being inlined. :type decln_start: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node` :param actual_start: the lower bound of the corresponding array \ dimension, as defined at the call site. :type actual_start: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node` :returns: PSyIR for the corresponding inlined array index. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node` ''' if isinstance(local_idx, Range): lower = self._create_inlined_idx(call_node, formal_args, local_idx.start, decln_start, actual_start) upper = self._create_inlined_idx(call_node, formal_args, local_idx.stop, decln_start, actual_start) step = self._replace_formal_arg(local_idx.step, call_node, formal_args) return Range.create(lower.copy(), upper.copy(), step.copy()) uidx = self._replace_formal_arg(local_idx, call_node, formal_args) if decln_start == actual_start: # If the starting indices in the actual and formal arguments are # the same then we don't need to shift the index. return uidx ustart = self._replace_formal_arg(decln_start, call_node, formal_args) start_sub = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.SUB, uidx.copy(), ustart.copy()) return BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.ADD, start_sub, actual_start.copy()) def _update_actual_indices(self, actual_arg, local_ref, call_node, formal_args): ''' Create a new list of indices for the supplied actual argument (ArrayMixin) by replacing any Ranges with the appropriate expressions from the local access in the called routine. If there are no Ranges then the returned list of indices just contains copies of the inputs. :param actual_arg: (part of) the actual argument to the routine. :type actual_arg: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.ArrayMixin` :param local_ref: the corresponding Reference in the called routine. :param call_node: the call site. :type call_node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Call` :param formal_args: the formal arguments of the called routine. :type formal_args: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] :returns: new indices for the actual argument. :rtype: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node`] ''' if isinstance(local_ref, ArrayMixin): local_indices = [idx.copy() for idx in local_ref.indices] # Get the locally-declared shape of the formal argument in case its # bounds are shifted relative to the caller. if isinstance(local_ref.symbol.datatype, ArrayType): local_decln_shape = local_ref.symbol.datatype.shape else: local_decln_shape = [] new_indices = [idx.copy() for idx in actual_arg.indices] local_idx_posn = 0 for pos, idx in enumerate(new_indices[:]): if not isinstance(idx, Range): continue # Starting index of slice of actual argument. if actual_arg.is_lower_bound(pos): # Range starts at lower bound of argument so that's what # we store. actual_start = actual_arg.get_lbound_expression(pos) else: actual_start = idx.start local_decln_start = None if local_decln_shape: if isinstance(local_decln_shape[local_idx_posn], ArrayType.ArrayBounds): # The formal argument declaration has a shape. local_shape = local_decln_shape[local_idx_posn] local_decln_start = local_shape.lower if isinstance(local_decln_start, Node): # Ensure any references to formal arguments within # the declared array lower bound are updated. local_decln_start = self._replace_formal_arg( local_decln_start, call_node, formal_args) elif (local_decln_shape[local_idx_posn] == ArrayType.Extent.DEFERRED): # The formal argument is declared to be allocatable and # therefore has the same bounds as the actual argument. local_shape = None local_decln_start = actual_start if not local_decln_start: local_shape = None local_decln_start = _ONE if local_ref.is_full_range(local_idx_posn): # If the local Range is for the full extent of the formal # argument then the actual Range is defined by that of the # actual argument and no change is required unless the formal # argument is declared as having a Range with an extent that is # less than that supplied. In general we're not going to know # that so we have to be conservative. if local_shape: new = Range.create(local_shape.lower.copy(), local_shape.upper.copy()) new_indices[pos] = self._create_inlined_idx( call_node, formal_args, new, local_decln_start, actual_start) else: # Otherwise, the local index expression replaces the Range. new_indices[pos] = self._create_inlined_idx( call_node, formal_args, local_indices[local_idx_posn], local_decln_start, actual_start) # Each Range corresponds to one dimension of the formal argument. local_idx_posn += 1 return new_indices def _replace_formal_struc_arg(self, actual_arg, ref, call_node, formal_args): ''' Called by _replace_formal_arg() whenever a formal or actual argument involves an array or structure access that can't be handled with a simple substitution, e.g. .. code-block:: fortran call my_sub(my_struc%grid(:,2,:), 10) subroutine my_sub(grid, ngrids) ... do igrid = 1, ngrids do jgrid = ... do i = 1, 10 do j = 1, 10 grid(igrid, jgrid)%data(i,j) = 0.0 The assignment in the inlined code should become .. code-block:: fortran my_struc%grid(igrid,2,jgrid)%data(i,j) = 0.0 This routine therefore recursively combines any References to formal arguments in the supplied Reference (including any array-index expressions) with the corresponding Reference from the call site to make a new Reference for use in the inlined code. :param actual_arg: an actual argument to the routine being inlined. :type actual_arg: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Reference` :param ref: the corresponding reference to a formal argument. :type ref: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Reference` :param call_node: the call site. :type call_node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Call` :param formal_args: the formal arguments of the called routine. :type formal_args: List[:py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.DataSymbol`] :returns: the replacement reference. :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Reference` ''' # The final stage of this method creates a brand new # [ArrayOf]Structure[s]Reference so we have to collect the indices and # members as we walk down both the actual and local references. local_indices = None members = [] # Actual arg could be var, var(:)%index, var(i,j)%grid(:) or # var(j)%data(i) etc. Any Ranges must correspond to dimensions of the # formal argument. The validate() method has already ensured that we # do not have any indirect accesses or non-unit strides. if isinstance(ref, ArrayMixin): local_indices = [idx.copy() for idx in ref.indices] # Since a Range can occur at any level of a Structure access in the # actual argument, we walk down it and check each Member. Any Ranges # are updated according to how that dimension is accessed by the # reference inside the routine. cursor = actual_arg while True: if isinstance(cursor, ArrayMixin): new_indices = self._update_actual_indices( cursor, ref, call_node, formal_args) members.append((, new_indices)) else: members.append( if not isinstance(cursor, (StructureMember, StructureReference)): break cursor = cursor.member # TODO #1858 - once we support converting structure accesses into # explicit array accesses, we can put back the testing in # that covers this code and remove the pragma: if not actual_arg.walk(Range) and local_indices: # pragma: no cover # There are no Ranges in the actual argument but the local # reference is an array access. # Create updated index expressions for that access. new_indices = [] for idx in local_indices: new_indices.append( self._replace_formal_arg( idx.copy(), call_node, formal_args)) # Replace the last entry in the `members` list with a new array # access. members[-1] = (, new_indices) # We now walk down the *local* access, skipping its head (as that is # replaced by the actual arg). We don't need to worry about updating # index expressions in the actual argument as they are independent of # any array accesses within a structure passed as a formal argument. cursor = ref while isinstance(cursor, (StructureReference, StructureMember)): cursor = cursor.member if isinstance(cursor, ArrayMixin): new_indices = [] for idx in cursor.indices: # Update each index expression in case it refers to # formal arguments. new_indices.append( self._replace_formal_arg( idx.copy(), call_node, formal_args)) members.append((, new_indices)) else: members.append( # Finally, construct the new Reference using the information we've # collected from both the actual argument and local access. if len(members) > 1: # We have some form of Structure reference. if isinstance(members[0], tuple): # Root of access is an array access. return ArrayOfStructuresReference.create(actual_arg.symbol, members[0][1], members[1:]) return StructureReference.create(actual_arg.symbol, members[1:]) # Just an array reference. return ArrayReference.create(actual_arg.symbol, members[0][1]) def validate(self, node, options=None): ''' Checks that the supplied node is a valid target for inlining. :param node: target PSyIR node. :type node: subclass of :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Call` :param options: a dictionary with options for transformations. :type options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param bool options["force"]: whether or not to ignore any CodeBlocks in the candidate routine. Default is False. :raises TransformationError: if the supplied node is not a Call or is an IntrinsicCall or call to a PSyclone-generated routine. :raises TransformationError: if the routine has a return value. :raises TransformationError: if the routine body contains a Return that is not the first or last statement. :raises TransformationError: if the routine body contains a CodeBlock and the 'force' option is not True. :raises TransformationError: if the called routine has a named argument. :raises TransformationError: if any of the variables declared within the called routine are of UnknownInterface. :raises TransformationError: if any of the variables declared within the called routine have a StaticInterface. :raises TransformationError: if any of the subroutine arguments is of UnsupportedType. :raises TransformationError: if a symbol of a given name is imported from different containers at the call site and within the routine. :raises TransformationError: if the routine accesses an un-resolved symbol. :raises TransformationError: if the number of arguments in the call does not match the number of formal arguments of the routine. :raises TransformationError: if a symbol declared in the parent container is accessed in the target routine. :raises TransformationError: if the shape of an array formal argument does not match that of the corresponding actual argument. ''' super().validate(node, options=options) options = {} if options is None else options forced = options.get("force", False) # The node should be a Call. if not isinstance(node, Call): raise TransformationError( f"The target of the InlineTrans transformation " f"should be a Call but found '{type(node).__name__}'.") if isinstance(node, IntrinsicCall): raise TransformationError( f"Cannot inline an IntrinsicCall ('{}')") name = # Check that we can find the source of the routine being inlined. # TODO #924 allow for multiple routines (interfaces). try: routine = node.get_callees()[0] except (NotImplementedError, FileNotFoundError, SymbolError) as err: raise TransformationError( f"Cannot inline routine '{name}' because its source cannot be " f"found: {err}") from err if not routine.children or isinstance(routine.children[0], Return): # An empty routine is fine. return return_stmts = routine.walk(Return) if return_stmts: if len(return_stmts) > 1 or not isinstance(routine.children[-1], Return): # Either there is more than one Return statement or there is # just one but it isn't the last statement of the Routine. raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{name}' contains one or more " f"Return statements and therefore cannot be inlined.") if routine.walk(CodeBlock) and not forced: # N.B. we permit the user to specify the "force" option to allow # CodeBlocks to be included. raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{name}' contains one or more CodeBlocks and " "therefore cannot be inlined. (If you are confident that " "the code may safely be inlined despite this then use " "`options={'force': True}` to override.)") # Support for routines with named arguments is not yet implemented. # TODO #924. for arg in node.argument_names: if arg: raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{}' cannot be inlined because it " f"has a named argument '{arg}' (TODO #924).") table = node.scope.symbol_table routine_table = routine.symbol_table for sym in routine_table.datasymbols: # We don't inline symbols that have an UnsupportedType and are # arguments since we don't know if a simple assignment if # enough (e.g. pointers) if isinstance(sym.interface, ArgumentInterface): if isinstance(sym.datatype, UnsupportedType): raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{}' cannot be inlined because " f"it contains a Symbol '{}' which is an " f"Argument of UnsupportedType: " f"'{sym.datatype.declaration}'") # We don't inline symbols that have an UnknownInterface, as we # don't know how they are brought into this scope. if isinstance(sym.interface, UnknownInterface): raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{}' cannot be inlined because it " f"contains a Symbol '{}' with an UnknownInterface:" f" '{sym.datatype.declaration}'") # Check that there are no static variables in the routine (because # we don't know whether the routine is called from other places). if (isinstance(sym.interface, StaticInterface) and not sym.is_constant): raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{}' cannot be inlined because it " f"has a static (Fortran SAVE) interface for Symbol " f"'{}'.") # We can't handle a clash between (apparently) different symbols that # share a name but are imported from different containers. try: table.check_for_clashes( routine_table, symbols_to_skip=routine_table.argument_list[:]) except SymbolError as err: raise TransformationError( f"One or more symbols from routine '{}' cannot be " f"added to the table at the call site.") from err # Check for unresolved symbols or for any accessed from the Container # containing the target routine. # TODO #1792 - kind parameters will not be found by simply doing # `walk(Reference)`. Although SymbolTable has the # `precision_datasymbols` property, this only returns those Symbols # that are used to define the precision of other Symbols in the same # table. If a precision symbol is only used within Statements then we # don't currently capture the fact that it is a precision symbol. ref_or_lits = routine.walk((Reference, Literal)) # Check for symbols in any initial-value expressions # (including Fortran parameters) or array dimensions. for sym in routine_table.datasymbols: if sym.initial_value: ref_or_lits.extend( sym.initial_value.walk((Reference, Literal))) if isinstance(sym.datatype, ArrayType): for dim in sym.shape: if isinstance(dim, ArrayType.ArrayBounds): if isinstance(dim.lower, Node): ref_or_lits.extend(dim.lower.walk(Reference, Literal)) if isinstance(dim.upper, Node): ref_or_lits.extend(dim.upper.walk(Reference, Literal)) # Keep a reference to each Symbol that we check so that we can avoid # repeatedly checking the same Symbol. _symbol_cache = set() for lnode in ref_or_lits: if isinstance(lnode, Literal): if not isinstance(lnode.datatype.precision, DataSymbol): continue sym = lnode.datatype.precision else: sym = lnode.symbol # If we've already seen this Symbol then we can skip it. if sym in _symbol_cache: continue _symbol_cache.add(sym) if isinstance(sym, IntrinsicSymbol): continue # We haven't seen this Symbol before. if sym.is_unresolved: try: routine_table.resolve_imports(symbol_target=sym) except KeyError: # The symbol is not (directly) imported into the symbol # table local to the routine. # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{}' cannot be inlined " f"because it accesses variable '{}' and this " f"cannot be found in any of the containers directly " f"imported into its symbol table.") else: if not in routine_table: raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{}' cannot be inlined because " f"it accesses variable '{}' from its " f"parent container.") # Check that the shapes of any formal array arguments are the same as # those at the call site. if len(routine_table.argument_list) != len(node.arguments): raise TransformationError(LazyString( lambda: f"Cannot inline '{node.debug_string().strip()}' " f"because the number of arguments supplied to the call " f"({len(node.arguments)}) does not match the number of " f"arguments the routine is declared to have " f"({len(routine_table.argument_list)}).")) for formal_arg, actual_arg in zip(routine_table.argument_list, node.arguments): # If the formal argument is an array with non-default bounds then # we also need to know the bounds of that array at the call site. if not isinstance(formal_arg.datatype, ArrayType): # Formal argument is not an array so we don't need to do any # further checks. continue if not isinstance(actual_arg, (Reference, Literal)): # TODO #1799 this really needs the `datatype` method to be # extended to support all nodes. For now we have to abort # if we encounter an argument that is not a scalar (according # to the corresponding formal argument) but is not a # Reference or a Literal as we don't know whether the result # of any general expression is or is not an array. # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop raise TransformationError(LazyString( lambda: f"The call '{node.debug_string()}' cannot be " f"inlined because actual argument " f"'{actual_arg.debug_string()}' corresponds to a " f"formal argument with array type but is not a " f"Reference or a Literal.")) # We have an array argument. We are only able to check that the # argument is not re-shaped in the called routine if we have full # type information on the actual argument. # TODO #924. It would be useful if the `datatype` property was # a method that took an optional 'resolve' argument to indicate # that it should attempt to resolve any UnresolvedTypes. if (isinstance(actual_arg.datatype, (UnresolvedType, UnsupportedType)) or (isinstance(actual_arg.datatype, ArrayType) and isinstance(actual_arg.datatype.intrinsic, (UnresolvedType, UnsupportedType)))): raise TransformationError( f"Routine '{}' cannot be inlined because " f"the type of the actual argument " f"'{}' corresponding to an array" f" formal argument ('{}') is unknown.") formal_rank = 0 actual_rank = 0 if isinstance(formal_arg.datatype, ArrayType): formal_rank = len(formal_arg.datatype.shape) if isinstance(actual_arg.datatype, ArrayType): actual_rank = len(actual_arg.datatype.shape) if formal_rank != actual_rank: # It's OK to use the loop variable in the lambda definition # because if we get to this point then we're going to quit # the loop. # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop raise TransformationError(LazyString( lambda: f"Cannot inline routine '{}' " f"because it reshapes an argument: actual argument " f"'{actual_arg.debug_string()}' has rank {actual_rank}" f" but the corresponding formal argument, " f"'{}', has rank {formal_rank}")) if actual_rank: ranges = actual_arg.walk(Range) for rge in ranges: ancestor_ref = rge.ancestor(Reference) if ancestor_ref is not actual_arg: # Have a range in an indirect access. # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop raise TransformationError(LazyString( lambda: f"Cannot inline routine '{}' " f"because argument '{actual_arg.debug_string()}' " f"has an array range in an indirect access (TODO " f"#924).")) if rge.step != _ONE: # TODO #1646. We could resolve this problem by making # a new array and copying the necessary values into it. # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop raise TransformationError(LazyString( lambda: f"Cannot inline routine '{}' " f"because one of its arguments is an array slice " f"with a non-unit stride: " f"'{actual_arg.debug_string()}' (TODO #1646)"))
# For AutoAPI auto-documentation generation. __all__ = ["InlineTrans"]